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[EU][PvX] aaaaA Star Raiders [aR] are looking for members of all experience levels.


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Hello friends! [aR] is looking for new members of all experience levels to join us for our escapades into all branches of endgame content (except from WvW, that is on hold until the mythical alliances arrive).

[aR] Started its life back in 2018 as a raid training community, focusing on getting people with no experience of raiding to a point where they were more than comfortable with the raid portion of the game. These days we have moved our scope, with people ever getting older and life responsibilities getting in the way we are now focusing on the more social aspect of the game.

What can you expect from us?Currently we attempt to run 2-3 events a week, with no requirement to join any of them. These range from fractals, to raids, to pvp... even stretching as far as the odd world boss train night, where we just have a bit of fun with the easier content together.We have a system of allowing members to request trainings/events for all aspect of what guild wars 2 has to offer. These trainings can take one of two forms. Either we have someone who is experienced enough with the content to herd the cats (the rest of us) through the content and hopefully carry us over the finish line while helping us understand what we are doing wrong, or we go into progression mode where all of us are stumbling around blindly hoping to make it to the end. Currently we are in wing 2 progression mode.Finally you can expect a small tight knit community of 40 people, where you aren't going to get lost in the mass of people talking. If you join events you will hopefully get to know us all and fingers cross come out with a few friends at the end of it.

So if any of that sounds interesting to you, let me know! We largely work out of a discord, so you don't even need to join the guild, just joining the discord is enough to be able to join all our adventures.

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