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Another frustrating day in WvW


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Playing power Mesmer in WvW (roaming) is so frustrating. Everything kills you. Everyone who is at least half way decent will kill you, while having more mobility and resustain ability. Some professions counter you so hard it's not even funny. The balance is so bad it is emberassing. Don't they have some tools that can keep track of stuff like that?This is not fun. This is not entertaining. This is not challenging. I can not recommend anyone play Mesmer as a roamer in WvW. Not Core, not Chronomancer, not Mirage. Because everyone who is not new or mostly a PvE player will defeat you. Maybe I am just bad. But why am I so much better when I play other professions, even ones I haven't spent much time on?

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So I am going to agree with you but won’t bother going in depth about my opinion because our profession has received more nerfs than anyone else and it’s too bad our class is shoe horned into relying on shatters and clones.

But anyways, normally when I’m in WvW I run a hybrid build and mostly “support” by Mimic spamming signet of domination to strip a lot of boons off targets.

Let’s just try to be patient and hope Anet actually gives us something unique and different in EoD. Until then, Mesmer is kind of a dead profession lol.

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@Tseison.4659 said:So I am going to agree with you but won’t bother going in depth about my opinion because our profession has received more nerfs than anyone else and it’s too bad our class is shoe horned into relying on shatters and clones.

But anyways, normally when I’m in WvW I run a hybrid build and mostly “support” by Mimic spamming signet of domination to strip a lot of boons off targets.

Let’s just try to be patient and hope Anet actually gives us something unique and different in EoD. Until then, Mesmer is kind of a dead profession lol.

You watch us get a healing elite specc and still lack anything strong power or dps wise :p I love my mesmer. But I have to admit I'm seeing the reasons alot of players say to reroll.

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Nothing does damage anymore and basically every defense skill got nerfed to the ground because of condis. They removed every defensive option from the traits but the profession got no compensation for it. Not a single time. It feels like power Mesmer is balanced around the stats of condi Mesmer

Every shatter skill used to cause blindness, now only F2, no compensation

Chaos armor used to cause blindness, got deleted, no compensation

Mesmer shield, to many unblockables got implemented and is useless now, no compensation(They added unblockable on swipe to hard counter mesmer lmao and plasma got buffed for 8 years before its one nerf and its still hilariously god like.)

Vigor and protection uptime got nerfed drastically, no compensation

Even portal got nerfed so hard in WvW and PvP while thief got basically a better portal in the same time.

And if they couldn’t nerf the defensive part they just nerfed the offensive part with 50% nerfs to make it useless (looking at staff 3, idisenchanter etc..)

But the worst about everything is: I admit that Confounding Suggestions was over the top but even this trait gave mesmer defensive options because we could stun players that tried to burst. When it got deleted Mesmer got no compensatio. It was the totally opposite. They added a trait that we HAVE to use now to make GS viable for power Mesmer. Great another trait less to think about... (im sarcastic btw...)

Every single trait that used to create a other build then the typical power shatter got nerfed to the ground or deleted with no compensation.

And now... there is basically no other way to defend ourselves beside t4, f4 and s2... What. A. Joke. And people still complain Mesmer has to much stealth if you exchange moa with mass invis. Or to much moa if you exchange mass invis for it (xD) Or to much distortion if you exchange your offensive utility with SoI. Or to much interrupts if you exchange SoI with Mantra of Distraction lol

Since 8 years we fall back to GS S/T with Domination Dueling X. Can you believe it. And it’s always the same reason. Because the 3 sec stealth in combination with blink is the best way to engage and disengage and gs burst combo can do the amount of damage needed in the right moment. This will never change with the current mechanics

But instead of working on the right things like the current clone mechanic and class mechanic and just delete it they implemented even more unhealthy things like CS, CP, MC, IH. And people are still defending the shit out of basically the worst things that got implemented in this game bEcAuSe iTs SoOo UnIqUe aNd nO oThEr gAmE hAs ThIs mEcHaNiC. Yeah because other developers are not as stupid as ANet to implement stuff that that is preprogrammed to break the game balance. Instead they want to keep this shit and delete other things which destroys EVERY SINGLE build and any diversity.

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@Daddy.8125 said:

@Tseison.4659 said:So I am going to agree with you but won’t bother going in depth about my opinion because our profession has received more nerfs than anyone else and it’s too bad our class is shoe horned into relying on shatters and clones.

But anyways, normally when I’m in WvW I run a hybrid build and mostly “support” by Mimic spamming signet of domination to strip a lot of boons off targets.

Let’s just try to be patient and hope Anet actually gives us something unique and different in EoD. Until then, Mesmer is kind of a dead profession lol.

You watch us get a healing elite specc and still lack anything strong power or dps wise :p I love my mesmer. But I have to admit I'm seeing the reasons alot of players say to reroll.

I mean a healing spec would be nice. Condi Mirage seems to only be good in PVE lol and then Power is only good for single target burst but then once you use everything and your target lives still, you’re all out of options lol.... so yeah, not much roles to play (in WvW) aside from boon-stripping, feedbacks or help picking off the enemies backline.

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@Senqu.8054 said:Nothing does damage anymore and basically every defense skill got nerfed to the ground because of condis. They removed every defensive option from the traits but the profession got no compensation for it. Not a single time. It feels like power Mesmer is balanced around the stats of condi Mesmer

Every shatter skill used to cause blindness, now only F2, no compensation

Chaos armor used to cause blindness, got deleted, no compensation

Mesmer shield, to many unblockables got implemented and is useless now, no compensation(They added unblockable on swipe to hard counter mesmer lmao and plasma got buffed for 8 years before its one nerf and its still hilariously god like.)

Vigor and protection uptime got nerfed drastically, no compensation

Even portal got nerfed so hard in WvW and PvP while thief got basically a better portal in the same time.

And if they couldn’t nerf the defensive part they just nerfed the offensive part with 50% nerfs to make it useless (looking at staff 3, idisenchanter etc..)

But the worst about everything is: I admit that Confounding Suggestions was over the top but even this trait gave mesmer defensive options because we could stun players that tried to burst. When it got deleted Mesmer got no compensatio. It was the totally opposite. They added a trait that we HAVE to use now to make GS viable for power Mesmer. Great another trait less to think about... (im sarcastic btw...)

Every single trait that used to create a other build then the typical power shatter got nerfed to the ground or deleted with no compensation.

And now... there is basically no other way to defend ourselves beside t4, f4 and s2... What. A. Joke. And people still complain Mesmer has to much stealth if you exchange moa with mass invis. Or to much moa if you exchange mass invis for it (xD) Or to much distortion if you exchange your offensive utility with SoI. Or to much interrupts if you exchange SoI with Mantra of Distraction lol

Since 8 years we fall back to GS S/T with Domination Dueling X. Can you believe it. And it’s always the same reason. Because the 3 sec stealth in combination with blink is the best way to engage and disengage and gs burst combo can do the amount of damage needed in the right moment. This will never change with the current mechanics

But instead of working on the right things like the current clone mechanic and class mechanic and just delete it they implemented even more unhealthy things like CS, CP, MC, IH. And people are still defending the kitten out of basically the worst things that got implemented in this game bEcAuSe iTs SoOo UnIqUe aNd nO oThEr gAmE hAs ThIs mEcHaNiC. Yeah because other developers are not as stupid as ANet to implement stuff that that is preprogrammed to break the game balance. Instead they want to keep this kitten and delete other things which destroys EVERY SINGLE build and any diversity.

Thanks for bringing this up Senqu because a lot of people are still blind and naive to the fact the we’ve been hit hard with like you said, no real compensation to our loss. There is more that can be added to that list but for those who have been around since launch and played Mesmer since then up until now, will know the FACTS.

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Well I totally forgot where I wanted to go with it.

My point is, don’t worry yoci, Mesmer has less ability’s to defend itself then pre hot.

If anyone complains about power Mesmer these days then they are basically the trash we farmed 8 years long in PvP and WvW

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@"Yoci.2481" said:Playing power Mesmer in WvW (roaming) is so frustrating. Everything kills you. Everyone who is at least half way decent will kill you, while having more mobility and resustain ability. Some professions counter you so hard it's not even funny. The balance is so bad it is emberassing. Don't they have some tools that can keep track of stuff like that?This is not fun. This is not entertaining. This is not challenging. I can not recommend anyone play Mesmer as a roamer in WvW. Not Core, not Chronomancer, not Mirage. Because everyone who is not new or mostly a PvE player will defeat you. Maybe I am just bad. But why am I so much better when I play other professions, even ones I haven't spent much time on?

Hybrid mirage/chrono is what works the best at say 70/30 power/condi ratio. The basic mistake of many mesmers is to focus on condi damage which these days can be relatively speaking easily dealt with, also the easiest mesmers to deal with are the staff campers which makes beating them a trivial matter because that's a less aggressive playstyle and makes it easier to avoid shatters when you see them coming from a mile away

Honestly, when roaming the more power damage you do..the better the results on any class...except condi DH, core condi necro and condi herald

I am not mesmer main, I just meet some good ones from time to time. Not a faceroll roaming class and neither a trash one, really ....you can make work anything in WvW with dedication ...as long as you remind yourself that regardless of your skill level, you will lose some...you'll be fine

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@Arheundel.6451 said:

@"Yoci.2481" said:Playing power Mesmer in WvW (roaming) is so frustrating. Everything kills you. Everyone who is at least half way decent will kill you, while having more mobility and resustain ability. Some professions counter you so hard it's not even funny. The balance is so bad it is emberassing. Don't they have some tools that can keep track of stuff like that?This is not fun. This is not entertaining. This is not challenging. I can not recommend anyone play Mesmer as a roamer in WvW. Not Core, not Chronomancer, not Mirage. Because everyone who is not new or mostly a PvE player will defeat you. Maybe I am just bad. But why am I so much better when I play other professions, even ones I haven't spent much time on?

Hybrid mirage/chrono is what works the best at say 70/30 power/condi ratio. The basic mistake of many mesmers is to focus on condi damage which these days can be relatively speaking easily dealt with, also the easiest mesmers to deal with are the
staff campers
which makes beating them a trivial matter because that's a less aggressive playstyle and makes it easier to avoid shatters when you see them coming from a mile away

Honestly, when roaming the more power damage you do..the better the results on any class...except condi DH, core condi necro and condi herald

I am not mesmer main, I just meet some good ones from time to time. Not a faceroll roaming class and neither a trash one, really ....you can make work anything in WvW with dedication ...as long as you remind yourself that regardless of your skill level, you will lose some...you'll be fine

you can make work anything in WvW roaming since people are REALLY bad in wvw, I grab my full zerker pve set up soulbeast and can 1v2 an average random wvw players.Doesnt mean im any good or that scholar-zerker no food soulbeast is a pinnacle of roaming, just people are really fucking bad.

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@Salt Mode.3780 said:Watch some mesmer main or some anti mesmers come here to post saying they do fantastic that everything is ok and alright and that you just suck post. While showing some kitten flashy montage that probably took days of clips to combine together to make it look great.

And what do you know, here it is:

@Arheundel.6451 said:

@"Yoci.2481" said:Playing power Mesmer in WvW (roaming) is so frustrating. Everything kills you. Everyone who is at least half way decent will kill you, while having more mobility and resustain ability. Some professions counter you so hard it's not even funny. The balance is so bad it is emberassing. Don't they have some tools that can keep track of stuff like that?This is not fun. This is not entertaining. This is not challenging. I can not recommend anyone play Mesmer as a roamer in WvW. Not Core, not Chronomancer, not Mirage. Because everyone who is not new or mostly a PvE player will defeat you. Maybe I am just bad. But why am I so much better when I play other professions, even ones I haven't spent much time on?

Hybrid mirage/chrono is what works the best at say 70/30 power/condi ratio. The basic mistake of many mesmers is to focus on condi damage which these days can be relatively speaking easily dealt with, also the easiest mesmers to deal with are the
staff campers
which makes beating them a trivial matter because that's a less aggressive playstyle and makes it easier to avoid shatters when you see them coming from a mile away

Honestly, when roaming the more power damage you do..the better the results on any class...except condi DH, core condi necro and condi herald

I am not mesmer main, I just meet some good ones from time to time. Not a faceroll roaming class and neither a trash one, really ....you can make work anything in WvW with dedication ...as long as you remind yourself that regardless of your skill level, you will lose some...you'll be fine

I don't think @"Yoci.2481" was born yesterday on a Mesmer, and neither were most of the people here, your little montage and build are not as strong an argument as you think because it completely misses the point. The problem is not the build or how Yoci plays it or whatever. Yes, you can "make it work". But making it work 99% of the time means everyone else can just mow you over without even trying and you get to pick up the trash scraps of players who literally have no idea how to play. If you come across anyone half decent, you have no means to attack them or defend yourself because mesmers are just that nerfed. Yes i can break my fingers to kill a noob in WvW, but a decent player will press 3 buttons and i just won't have anything against that. Sligh exageration, but the point is made. And the point is that Mesmer, compared to other professions, just isn't at their level currently, no matter how good you play it.

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@Tseison.4659 said:

@Tseison.4659 said:So I am going to agree with you but won’t bother going in depth about my opinion because our profession has received more nerfs than anyone else and it’s too bad our class is shoe horned into relying on shatters and clones.

But anyways, normally when I’m in WvW I run a hybrid build and mostly “support” by Mimic spamming signet of domination to strip a lot of boons off targets.

Let’s just try to be patient and hope Anet actually gives us something unique and different in EoD. Until then, Mesmer is kind of a dead profession lol.

You watch us get a healing elite specc and still lack anything strong power or dps wise :p I love my mesmer. But I have to admit I'm seeing the reasons alot of players say to reroll.

I mean a healing spec would be nice. Condi Mirage seems to only be good in PVE lol and then Power is only good for single target burst but then once you use everything and your target lives still, you’re all out of options lol.... so yeah, not much roles to play (in WvW) aside from boon-stripping, feedbacks or help picking off the enemies backline.

I'd like a brawler specc with dual daggers or a ranged utility option with shortbow tbh.

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Man, i play Commander gear as chrono with Rune of aristocrats and well of calamity, and can do shit, where is the point haha

Build: http://de.gw2skills.net/editor/?Pi0AYx7lJwwYXMGWJOuP/tOA-zVZYDhABG1H3nhGUI9mCBHEZXBufIETCgQ9wlMWkfcD-w

SoI + Blurred Inscriptions is the best combo as Mesmer in this meta and only viable as hybride or condi

Btw. Yoci played inspi Mesmer before it was cool xD

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@Salt Mode.3780 said:Honestly ALL builds are extremely streamlined for mesmer, a new mesmer player can probably figure out couple builds by choosing the BEST option of the traitline and that is because there are soo many traits that are nerfed and or just flat out suck.

Translation: There's like, 3 builds that work, the rest are membuilds? :tongue:

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To be fair most trait lines are used for only one or two traits. Only thing that changed is that you sometimes need domination in condition builds because of the boon remove and bunker meta.

Domination 112Dueling X11 or X13Illusion X32Inspiration X23Chrono 2X3Chaos is wild xDMirage has the most to offer in terms of diversity but mostly for condi builds

X is more or less chosen by the offhand weapon and utility’s the player uses or can be picked blindly because it doesn’t make any difference

Every other trait is not worth to pick over the ones mentioned if you want to compete with the rest of the classes.

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@Veprovina.4876 said:

@Salt Mode.3780 said:Watch some mesmer main or some anti mesmers come here to post saying they do fantastic that everything is ok and alright and that you just suck post. While showing some kitten flashy montage that probably took days of clips to combine together to make it look great.

And what do you know, here it is:

@"Yoci.2481" said:Playing power Mesmer in WvW (roaming) is so frustrating. Everything kills you. Everyone who is at least half way decent will kill you, while having more mobility and resustain ability. Some professions counter you so hard it's not even funny. The balance is so bad it is emberassing. Don't they have some tools that can keep track of stuff like that?This is not fun. This is not entertaining. This is not challenging. I can not recommend anyone play Mesmer as a roamer in WvW. Not Core, not Chronomancer, not Mirage. Because everyone who is not new or mostly a PvE player will defeat you. Maybe I am just bad. But why am I so much better when I play other professions, even ones I haven't spent much time on?

Hybrid mirage/chrono is what works the best at say 70/30 power/condi ratio. The basic mistake of many mesmers is to focus on condi damage which these days can be relatively speaking easily dealt with, also the easiest mesmers to deal with are the
staff campers
which makes beating them a trivial matter because that's a less aggressive playstyle and makes it easier to avoid shatters when you see them coming from a mile away

Honestly, when roaming the more power damage you do..the better the results on any class...except condi DH, core condi necro and condi herald

I am not mesmer main, I just meet some good ones from time to time. Not a faceroll roaming class and neither a trash one, really ....you can make work anything in WvW with dedication ...as long as you remind yourself that regardless of your skill level, you will lose some...you'll be fine

I don't think @"Yoci.2481" was born yesterday on a Mesmer, and neither were most of the people here, your little montage and build are not as strong an argument as you think because it completely misses the point. The problem is not the build or how Yoci plays it or whatever. Yes, you can "make it work". But making it work 99% of the time means everyone else can just mow you over without even trying and you get to pick up the trash scraps of players who literally have no idea how to play. If you come across anyone half decent, you have no means to attack them or defend yourself because mesmers are just that nerfed. Yes i can break my fingers to kill a noob in WvW, but a decent player will press 3 buttons and i just won't have anything against that. Sligh exageration, but the point is made. And the point is that Mesmer, compared to other professions, just isn't at their level currently, no matter how good you play it.

If I may....given my experience with ele, the following video may explain why changes will elude mesmer for the foreseeable future:

I remember the era of tempest first and weaver later from RAID, an ele was on the nerf chop list basically every other patch for a good year (before starting with PvP/WvW nerfs); Anet tends to nerf meta professions non stop for months sometimes or years when unlucky.

Not saying is a good reason or even if it's the real one,just making an observation based on personal experience ( air tempest and general staff DPS dps was nerfed due to RAID, to this day both remain nerfed )

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14 traits for shatters, only 3 of them increase shatter damage and the rest are just “other,” aka not even close to being viable. (minimal)

5 traits that involve our illusions and yet only 3 of them are towards increasing their damage. (minimal)

5 traits that all summon a clone and they’re all useless except for deceptive evasion.

And yet some ‘Mesmers’ don’t see the problem that is a profession pigeon holed into this mechanic that barely delivers lol. Again, EoD needs to revamp shatters and clones completely and give us more personal damage/defence and less reliance on whatever illusions/clones/shatters are failing to be... “damage.”

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The thing is ele has been chopping block only recently, mesmer has been in the chopping block since the beginning of game even before expac. When the core condi mesmer build came out, traits were physically removed to stop that build with no compensation. Chrono has been receiving steady nerfs throughout HoT until unplayable status in SPvP and WvW, PoF mirage has been receiving many nerfs without compensation to unplayable status in SPvP and WvW. Nothing new is going to happen in EoD if we look at mesmer's history track record.

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Yeah i took a break from my mesmer. I love playing the class but making it work in WvW for so long is like banging your head on a wall. Mesmer just dsnt work, i felt the same as OP stated. And this is the question always remains “am i playing bad?”. But then you change 2-3 other classes and you just feel fine (which means fair losses/win with way way less effort/planning compared to what i used on mesmer).

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