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Well, there was a recent update referring to the change in the chance of dropping three extremely expensive and rare infusions. This somehow attracted many players to the daily game in search of these infusions (I am also playing to try to get one). Only, from the beginning of the year until now (April 3, 2021), I have had no evidence of any player dropping any of the so-called infusions.You can tell me "But the drop chance is extremely low". I can tell you that lately I am doing the event "Casino Blitz", "Chak Gerent" and "Auric Basin Meta" every 2 hours and many times a day. Whenever I killed Choya Pinata and Chak Gerent, I expected someone to link some of the infusions in the chat to prove that the drop really exists, but it never happened.Is not strange?! I wonder if this is big fake news (a strategy for attracting players).Share your opinions and convince me not to stop playing it !!!

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@Infusion.7149 said:It is unlikely that there has been any changes.

There were patch notes a while back directly saying they made them more common (though 0.0001 times even 10 isn’t much).

Can’t say for the others, but the confetti infusion has gone from literally never being on the TP (I’ve checked many many times) to being on there most of the time. It’s even gone from 10K to around 9.5K

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This was in January 19,2021

Increased the drop rate of the Charged Quartz Orichalcum Amulet, which contains the Chak Egg Sac from the Gerent's Chest.Increased the drop rate of the Festive Confetti Infusion from the "Stop the choya pinata before it gets away" event's bonus chest.Significantly increased the drop rate of the Heart of the Khan-Ur infusion from the "Recovered" Charr Artifact.

There hasn't been anything since then

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@lummuss.6850 said:but I'm not questioning the fact that there are no infusions in the trading company, I just don't see players showing that they are actually dropping such infusions. Or is it forbidden to show infusions in the chat ?!

If we assume a drop rate of 0.0001% or however small the drop rate might actually be and we assume 100 players per completed meta, that's still 100 metas per drop.

The drop rate is so low that individual players have no chance of objectively judging an increase or decrease based on completion alone.

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Random drops are random, might be that no one drops one of these items for the next 6 months, might be that 50 people will have said drop within the next two hours.So you can 1) keep playing and hope for the drop.("Can't win if you don't play"-aproach), 2) save up gold and buy it off the TP.("slow and steady"-aproach) or 3) give up on the game because of an arbitrary cosmatic item.("I will send my stuff to lokh before leaving the game"-aproach).

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There has been an increase. According to friends who do grey-market trading, supply for the 3 affected infusions has risen significantly since the patch, which has affected the price too. The Confetti infusion has finally started showing up on the TP, for instance, while the Chak Egg Sac is now hovering around 12k (was about 26k before), and the Khan-Ur infusion is now like 30k compared to 60+k before. The fact that ANet targeted these 3 infusions in particular suggests to me that they're not happy about singular items selling for more than the 10k limit on the TP. It remains to be seen whether the increased drop rate will succeed in bringing the Chak and Khan-Ur infusions to the in-game market. If they don't, I think it's quite likely ANet may up their drop rate some more.

I personally would have liked the other meta infusions to have received a similar bump in their drop rate, but I suppose ANet is content with their price range for now.

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@lummuss.6850 said:but I'm not questioning the fact that there are no infusions in the trading company, I just don't see players showing that they are actually dropping such infusions. Or is it forbidden to show infusions in the chat ?!

The reason a lot of people don’t show them in chat including one myself is because why bother, no one believes you anyway since people can just get the chat code anyway and post it to pretend they got it.

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