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[EU][Raid] Experienced & Training Raids

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We are [Nom]! We run weekly full clears, training raids and also many spontaneous LFGs throughout the week. We are looking for people that would like to get into raiding, or people that are experienced with raiding and would like a guild to do weekly clears with. Our goals are to grow, improve and have fun together - we're looking to just recruit a few people so that we're mostly seeing the same people every week and so there'll always be space for everyone, we don't want to become a place where you have to fight over spots to join.


Our Fixed Schedule (CEST):

Monday Afternoon - 5/6/7 FCs + CMs (SH/CA/Adina/Sabir)

Monday 19:30-22:00 - W1234 FC (KC CM)

Saturday 19:30-22:00 - Training Raids (Cycles from W1-7, one wing per week)

Sunday 19:30-22:00 - W567/CMs (Static Raid for more experienced raiders, currently 1 spot for multirole)


We're also running LFGs of every wing through the week, however there's no set time for those - we just ping in Discord and if you're available you're free to join.


If you'd like to know more, please visit our discord: https://discord.gg/BxpkrtS


You can also contact me in-game (Lottie.5370) or via Discord PM (Lottie#7319).

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