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Frequent code 7:11:3:202:101 disconnects

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I am getting code 7:11:3:202:101 disconnects somewhat often and I can't find a fix.  I opened ports 80, 443 and 6112, both inbound and outbound, and ensured my firewall was set to allow the Guild Wars 2 application.  These disconnects are getting annoying because they kick me from my story instances and I have to start over.  What can I do?

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You don't need to open these ports inbound, just outbound. Opening them inbound won't hurt the game but will increase the chance that your computer gets hacked.


In fact, on regular residential internet connections, you don't need to configure anything. Just make sure you give Guild Wars 2 permission if you get a Windows firewall notice (Or a notice of any other personal firewall software like ZoneAlarm)

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  • 1 month later...
On 5/15/2021 at 9:06 PM, RippyToucan.2083 said:

I am getting code 7:11:3:202:101 disconnects somewhat often and I can't find a fix.  I opened ports 80, 443 and 6112, both inbound and outbound, and ensured my firewall was set to allow the Guild Wars 2 application.  These disconnects are getting annoying because they kick me from my story instances and I have to start over.  What can I do?

This is a bug that occurs, usually when you're not moving/attacking during a story instance. I recently started playing again after quitting a few years ago because this bug made story instances impossible for me. Now, new house, entirely new computer and network... Still the exact same issue. Just try to not stop sending any inputs at any point during the story instances. Keep spamming attack buttons during cut scenes too.

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Opening the ports does nothing to solve the problem. I've tried playing through "No Refuge" repeatedly last night, but always got disconnected right at the end, when the dialogue with Faolain and Wynne was supposed to trigger. I get there - nothing happens. I try using a skill and realize that I can't, and a few seconds later I am getting the "client lost connection to the server" error message.


Edited by Ashantara.8731
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having the same issues with the same message at the end of 'Arcana Obscura' as soon as you deliver the last crystal it goes straight to a cut scene and disconnects me, i've tried spamming skills, doing nothing , different pc (though same internet connection) wireless and wired, 9 attemps so far and dc at the same point on every single one of them, to say its getting frustrating is an understatement.


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at my 11th attempt of 'Arcana Obscura' i managed to get through, my latest 'tricks' whether that had anything to do to help me or not i dont know was to turn all graphic settings down to lowest they could go, closing GW2 and deleting the cache that you can find by typing  %LocalAppData%/temp in file explorer and deleting the folder gw2cache-{bunch-of-letters-and-numbers}.

i was able to get past the next 2 episodes just fine even the monstorous cut scene at the end of 'hidden cave'

Edited by Aeryn Knight.4351
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I've been having this issue for FIVE MONTHS. I've sent multiple tickets and all they ever do is ask me to send DxDiag and run Hi-jackThis.

Things I've tried:
Uninstalling and reinstalling
Clearing cache
Adjusting Firewall settings
Disabling Firewall
Disabling anitvirus programs
Using VPN (WTFast)
Running on different computer
Updating drivers
Contacting ISP - ISP reset and updated Modem

None of these things have worked.

What I'm experiencing:
Soft disconnect to character select and hard disconnect to launcher. Happens every hour/few hours.


Absolutely at the end of my wits with this. I've asked questions on forums, from my ISP, through support here, tried various programs and suggestions... This issue occurs regardless of the computer I'm on and it DOES NOT impact my connection on other games or programs. This is strictly a GW2 related problem.

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21 hours ago, Shroud.2307 said:

Can't even stay connected for 15 minutes now.

I know someone with a similar issue in that they're getting the exact same 1101:4:5:1749:101
error. Have you submitted a support ticket for it? Wondering if we can't get this to a higher priority and eventually in front of devs.

Edited by Hobu.8751
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On 6/20/2021 at 3:49 AM, Totenkopf.9805 said:

Im getting code=1022:5:1:891:101and dc everytime on wvw and stuck in q always fix ur kitten game already

Have you been able to identify a fix? I'm talking to someone with a similar issue right now.

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2 hours ago, Hobu.8751 said:

I know someone with a similar issue in that they're getting the exact same 1101:4:5:1749:101
error. Have you submitted a support ticket for it? Wondering if we can't get this to a higher priority and eventually in front of devs.

I've sent several tickets, all support does is take shots in the dark with their solutions. I've tried multiple things they've asked me to do and none have worked.

It would be different if I was getting consistent answers when I ask this question, of which I've asked on multiple forums and in support tickets, but the answer is always different. So I'm really not confident ANet's support is being very helpful with this right now, and I'm so beyond angry with it that I'm debating on uninstalling and just being done with the game. This has been going on for 5 months for me and I feel like I've exhausted every option with no improvements for my situation, and it has in fact gotten worse rather than better.

Mind you, today at least I've been able to stay on for longer periods of time, I'm still getting kicked.

Edited by Shroud.2307
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  • 1 month later...

oh ghad... I thought I'm the only one, same code. Mine is for WvW, haven't tried instances yet, normal ping in open world, but when i go to wvw, ping spikes and can't use any skill then DC after a few minutes. didn't further attempt pvp and boss fights yet, because I mainly wvw and that already frustrates me, haven't played in months so I thought it's just client update issues so I just keep repairing client. will result to total re-download/install, but if it doesn't fix it, well then guess back to the reason why I went on haitus. 

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  • 8 months later...

I get this so regularly that I am thinking I might have to stop playing GW2. This evening I played for about 40 minutes and then gave up after the 5th time I got this error code. The only thing that I ever have connection issues with is GW2 and I have them all the time recently. If anyone knows a fix for this I would greatly appreciate you passing the knowledge on to me :) Thanks!

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I'm having the same issue. It all started 3 days ago and has been constant disconnects ever since. Open world, wvw, story instance: doesn't matter. I've isolated the problem to the game itself as no other games/programs give me any issue. Took my router out of the equation and have a direct line to the modem yet, still get constant disconnects. Game is literally unplayable right now and I've had no issues for the past 4 months I came back. What is going on??? 

Also of note: my ping never gets above 50. It just suddenly disconnects, or everything around me is carrying on like normal, yet my character cannot perform any action (but still move) until it finally disconnects. 

Edited by swagford.1705
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Yup, having the same issues everyone else states here. I get random massive lag spikes and disconnects all the time, especially in spvp. Internet connection is fine, firewall settings as they should be and all my other games are working flawlessly. It's strictly a gw2 issue but the annoying part is that it's been going on for so long. Fix you kitten Anet...

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