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Ice Reaver Chestguard and Legguards appeal

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Anet, before considering dropping the idea of releasing other chest and legs pieces if these two will flop, please keep in mind two things:
1. Some people may consider them overpriced.
2. Some may not like this specific aesthetic.

I for one thought they could have been a bit cheaper, BUT to me it would have been fine anyway as long as we got more variety.
Sadly the aesthetic is not to my taste, and many people I talked to raised the same issue or both of the two points.
So please, in case your metrics won't show it, consider that this may have potential despite that.
Many of us are distressed watching some really cool armors getting "wasted" as outfits over and over.
Please keep releasing single pieces too. 🖖

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Keep in mind the fact that players have the ability to create their own "discount" for these pieces. They may not be a favorite for me, but are interesting enough that I am considering getting them and can do so for no out of pocket real money cost.


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5 hours ago, The Greyhawk.9107 said:

Not a fan of Anet going back on their claim that they wouldn't put full armor sets in the Gem Store.

I get you, but at the same time I guess both you and me are not fan of almost not getting armors too.
I would prefer it in game? Sure.
I would prefer none at all or just one per year? Nope.
If it has to be gemstore, then I welcome that, as long as we get more things to mix.

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I have thought that it's hard for me to know how I feel about the change in sales tactics when I don't like the armour set. I feel largely indifferent to the whole thing but it's hard to tell how much of that is because I don't like this armour so it's irrelevant to me how it's obtained and how much is because going against their previous statements and the price increase doesn't bother me that much.


I do know however that I'd have to really love an armour set to spend 2,900 gems on it. I mean that's £30.81, that's more than the game itself costs (£25.99 for the base game, HoT and PoF) and there's several other games I could buy for around the same price.


Of course the advantage of doing it this way is I don't have to buy the whole thing, I can just get the individual pieces but I've generally had the same reaction to individual armour skins in the gem store, it's very rare that one is good enough that I think it's worth the price, usually I find something I like just as much which I can get in-game instead.


I definitely prefer getting armour skins in the game, and I think we've been getting them fairly regularly. There's been 3 new sets for each armour weight during Icebrood Saga. Ok two of them already existed in the game, but they weren't available to players. Plus several stand-alone pieces, and IBS isn't the exception there, other seasons have also included armour sets and/or pieces. I haven't worked out the schedule exactly but I think it's comparable to the 6 gem store sets released in 2012-14 before they stopped making them. (I'm not counting the profane, krytan and primeval sets because they were there from launch). I hope that doesn't change now they're going back to selling them in the gem store.


Maybe my answer is that I don't mind them selling armour in the gem store, but I think it's expensive, and as a result it has to be ideal for my characters and unique enough that I can't find an acceptable substitute in-game for me to consider it worth buying. But it's definitely harder to tell when I don't like the skins that much to begin with.

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