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PvP and why is not good

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PvP gives you a bad experience and here is why

1. Team queue gets matched against solo queue. That just bad.

2. You can only play 2 friends together in ranked 5 vs 5 and than you stuck to get random players the rest. 

3. 2 vs 2 and 3 vs 3 both you need a premade team else you will have really low win rate thanks to all the bots.

4. Automated Tournaments is a closed clown fiesta where match manipulation and win trades is a big deal.

5. Bots eveywhere or players bein afk in the match farmin gold for doin nothing.

6. nothing bein updated.. Achievement, Rewards , Maps .. Nothing really bein done 2 new maps or whatever is all we gotton in like 5 years else u stuck doin the same maps for 9 years.
Guild wars 2 pvp in 2021 is not worth it 😕 

I know that most bots is in lower division but that dont justify that u have to be in second highest division to enjoy pvp.

Thats my eyes on pvp share what u think in comment

Edited by Nightcore.5621
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Let me elaborate:


  1. Unranked teams going against solos - This is just how it is. Algorithm does the best it can do here. Usually when 5 players queue in Unranked who are dangerous enough at some bottom plat level to be considered "a team" they don't normally try hard on mains because it's boring. Usually they are memeing on weird builds or something they want to learn. I haven't experienced many problems with teams queued against solos here. Usually seems pretty fair to me. If you ARE having problems with this, then make your own team and queue as a team, same as you would for fractals or anything else.
  2. He is right about solo/duo only Ranked and then get PUGs to fill your team. But what I don't think he quite understands because he didn't even mention it, is how win trading works. Might answer a lot of his questions.
  3. He says solo 2v2 or 3v3 is low win rates due to bots. This is partially true, but the larger part of those low win rates is people win trading with their multi-window bots or buddies on alt accounts. It is actually virtually impossible to get past about 1470 rating as a solo this season. Believe me, I've been testing it.
  4. Automated Tournament is not a closed clown fiesta. ATs are the only place you actually can ensure clean matches without synch queued PUG throwers landing on your team. The only cheating you have to worry about in ATs are hacks programs. Outside of DCing people or other hack use, match manipulating an AT would be extremely difficult to do unless you had administrative powers or something.
  5. There are actually bots everywhere.
  6. Nothing being updated? - I'm more worried about what is being updated, like suddenly throwing Resolution into the game and tossing buffs/nerfs in all of the wrong places.
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Most of the duos are not using vocal or anything and just play for fun together. I only find it an issue for the highest part of the ranking and sometimes an annoyance (like double rev 😞).


To be honest I have not played any tournaments recently (maybe the last was 6months ago?). In the past I always joined random groups. The only issue was getting some random player who would always “disappear” at the start of the game but I never encountered bots there. You also get to fight some good team and even gold2 + teams can pull out some great move.


In a thread where the poster said "there are almost no bots" I told him / her that (s)he was wrong. It only makes sense that in a post saying that bots are everywhere I also have to say that this is wrong. Even in silver you will see some anomalies 1/3 games, less the higher you go (then it moves a bit more into speed hacking). But there are a lot of people grieffing (my blocklist slowly increases).


Maps have been added or updated during this time frame. Lots of balance changes, new reward tracks each season.

Edited by aymnad.9023
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