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How to win 2s games


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Swap to scourge. Equip tanky amulet.  Trait blood for transfusion.  Bring lots of AoEs.  Queue for match.  Spam buttons.


If ally goes down, line of sight and transfusion.


If you really want to try hard:

Read the tooltips.


And if you encounter other necros:

Queue with a friend on non-necro classes, then both swap to scourge after the queue pops.  Transfusion each other over and over until the other team eventually withers away or breaks their keyboard in frustration.


It's terrible, but sadly, it works.

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The issue with Necro and Engi is that their one button does so many things, especially Necro barrier. It can be tanky even without a defensive amulet. With a tanky amulet, it has way too much in one package. The definition of overtuned.


It's best to queue as Ele but swap for Necro for easier match too.

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The tankiness is an issue, sure, but they also have so many abilities that are just AoE, so you hardly need to pay attention to what's going on most of the time.  It's why bots can be so effective playing necro.


P.s. I don't want necros nerfed out of the meta, but with the last patch and the dynamic of 2s, the imbalance is particularly egregious.

Edited by Dahkeus.8243
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