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Crack head thoeries

White Kitsunee.4620

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Here's a crackhead theory:

Chak filter magic because they're actually an undiscovered/unknown elder dragon's minions. Possibly a deceased one from long ago or "Mother."


"Mother" is actually Aurene and Tyria is actually stuck in a loop similar to a fractal of Aurene killing the elder dragons, absorbing, and re-splitting.

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Most absurd and ridiculous theories I've heard? Or the ones I believe in?


Two very different things.


There's been some... curious ones, to me, over the years.


Like "Jennah and Anise are Lyss and Ilya in disguise". Luckily Season 3 all-but-confirmed that Anise is Livia's daughter (not stated outright, but written in a way that is basically a "wink wink nudge nudge" to that end; enough wiggle room for ANet to declare otherwise).


"Balthazar is actually Menzies pretending to be his half-brother pretending to be Lazarus!" Actually... this one makes a bit of sense for the lord of destruction to attempt defaming his brother, and Balthazar's attitude in Kormir's flashbacks still don't make sense to me without bending through hoops. But the pretending to be someone pretending to be someone else is the weird bit.


"The gods and elder dragons are the same beings!" This continuously reoccurring theory actually drove me to the point of copy-pasting all the differences between the two groups (most notably: Elder Dragons predate the Six Gods by a few dozen thousand years), until Balthazar's reveal ended it.


"The Pale Tree was purified by the power of friendship!" Okay, that's not the actual theory that gets tossed around, but that Ventari purified the Pale Tree by talking to it is kinda silly when the game (and novels) stresses over and over that such doesn't work because dragon minions have zero free will, even when the Elder Dragon is sleeping or far away. Which is part of the horror of what dragon minions are - people who are trapped in their own bodies, aware of the actions they're taking, but incapable of denying the corrupting Elder Dragons' will. Simply having "stronger willpower" negates this fridge horror aspect, which is why I'm very glad they didn't go with it. Would like to learn how she got purified though. Someday.

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That norn are the descendants of Kodan.


I believe there are some hints, or at least lines to draw, that point to this being possible. I don’t remember if there’s really any evidence or confirmation in game, though.


Edit: I also love the theory/idea that Drakkar and Teq are the scions of their respective EDs as Aurene is to Glint is to Kralk.

Edited by Zola.6197
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Just read a reddit thread about time travel and the DSD. It actually kind of makes sense.

It's talking about the possibility that the one that gave the master of peace the egg is actually the commander from the future.

Another possibility of this is that we, the commander, are Mr. E leaving notes for our past selves.

Also might explain why/how Taimi would know the DSD's real name but has forgotten it. Why would Taimi of all people imply she knows its name? Unless it's because she was on the journey with the commander in the future in Cantha that led us to essentially being sent back in time. Whether this was Asuran magitech or the DSD aiding us against something worse than the elder dragons and helping us. The dialogue in the trailer we assume is the DSD saying "They need me" in reference to the humans needing the elder dragons to remind mortals of their mortality and how fleeting it is.

But I feel like it could also be interpreted as something else seeking to eliminate the immortal beings like the elder dragons.

I'm just not sure what the end goal is or why we had to go back in time to deliver Aurene's egg. Unless the DSD has power over time and actually kills Aurene before she can ascend or absorb the other elder dragon's magics?

I know time travel isn't anyone's favorite thing to consider, but it feels like it could be pretty likely. 

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6 hours ago, Bast.7253 said:

It's talking about the possibility that the one that gave the master of peace the egg is actually the commander from the future.

Another possibility of this is that we, the commander, are Mr. E leaving notes for our past selves.

I know time travel isn't anyone's favorite thing to consider, but it feels like it could be pretty likely. 

So at some point in the future, all our PCs are becoming male humans? How? 😆

Time travel is the least crazy thing about this theory. 


Speaking about time travel, I've always liked the idea of Doern Velasquez being a time traveler with possible connections to the Utopia lore. 

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