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Suggestions: HoM Arena


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  • Disable mounts, because splash attacks, and attempts to flee.
  • Make it enclosed, so no one can glide away. Once you come in, you die or kill everything, then you can leave.
  • Add a pillar in the middle of the arena, so ranged will not have the definitive advantage.
  • Instead of the push off mechanic for the tourney winners, add some fire or release level 160 veteran tigers/elite after the players instead.
  • Add an evil laugh tone the player or others can here when someone enters to signify their doom. (Demonic wa..ha..hahaha)

Perhaps there are even better suggestions out there. I love the arena, but I hate the trolls that sit on the rock ledge, coming in and out of safety to DPS players, and I hate the losers that can fly away before dying....they need to know they have been bested.

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