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Help, I'm lost about DRMs

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Hey folks,

since the final episode of IBS has been released, i barely had any contact with new mode it brought. So far i cleary got an idea of what the purpose and the value of each mode was.

For example strike missions are very straight forward and you can fastly see the purpose and "long term" value of doing this. The value for strike missions are cleary an additional source for ascended stuff. Thats cool. 


But first of all, how do I DRMs and why should i do those? Strike missions have a special tab in the LFG window, while i cant find anything for DRMs. 


Thx in advance! 

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In short: the goal is to grind a million DRM's to get all the new weaponsets. In more words: no, that was it. 

You will find people looking for DRM groups in the Champions tab of the Icebrood saga tab.


Edit: oh yeah, and some more AP and utterly useless Masteries that will only benefit you slightly in DRM's themselves. I think the usefulness and fun factor of new Masteries have truly hit rockbottom with these Champion masteries. 


And here I was thinking Anet would do something cool with Factions that would infuse aspects of the Open World gameplay, and add extra spice to general gameplay but nope. Still sour about that. 

Edited by Tyncale.1629
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I Suspect that just like any other living story. There will be a final collection(Vision, Aurora) in which you need to craft an x amount of weapon skins from each episode. 

So therefore if you dont want a huge grind when it comes out I suggest start crafting some.. for which you need to do DRM.. 

But pffff, its a lot of to much of the same content. So i can only do like 2 a day before getting bored. 

Dragonstorm is also a good farm for the stuff you need. 

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1 minute ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

I mean, i soloed that Charr tank escort strike mission and the one that comes after so... Can't be harder than that right? 😄

Yeah, solo drms aren't hard, they're scaling with number of players

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