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More Edge of the Mists gvg arenas please


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The new changes to EotM arena is great. thank you for adding the team flags.
gvgs right now got way more popular with the tournament plus the changes.
The issue now is.. there is only one single arena per instance.
Please consider adding a few more arenas in EotM like the one right now. It would help a lot expand the gvg scene further.


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Some kind of GvG map with a central arena for multiple guilds fighting while others spectate sounds cool.


Designing this so non fighting players have an incentive to watch, as sometimes players will watch on border when guilds are fighting at known scrim spots, would be tricky.


Maybe some kind of minor objectives (as minor entertainment for onlookers, think ascalonian ghosts event on the border map) spread around 3 arenas, or 3 arenas spread out over 1 map with linking portals so players can fast travel to different matches would be a possible approach. Things to watch out for:

- lag caused via a ton of players in close proximity and using skills.

- pve objectives interfering with duels (don't we all love the canons in the middle of EotM, especially once they bug out?)


As is EotM does not full-fill it's original purpose (another issues which needs addressing) but is also not well designed for the current main use it sees.

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At this point they should have just made it a separate instance with it's own entrance from the wvw menu much like getting to eotm.  In fact they could have also just copied the eotm map, took out all the objectives and placed arenas in four main areas (keeps and middle), then gave it a separate entrance in the wvw menu. And yeah access to multiple layers and not have to wait on a map to get full to spawn a new one.


Maybe they will bother to put in more improvements once they see how the new arena is accepted.

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