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[NA][PvE] 2 adults seeking casual endgame guild

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Title, essentially. 


My girlfriend and I are seeking a PvE-focused guild. We took a pretty long break from the game, but have recently returned, and are trying to rediscover endgame content: Fractals, dragon missions, raids, etc. 
We're both experienced raiders outside GW2 (we know better than to stand in red ;) ) and are looking for a team we can mesh well with.  We're adults with real lives, but we're typically on evenings and weekends. We would love to hear about your guild and the people in it. 


Hope to hear from someone soon!


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  • 2 weeks later...

 ☠️Hai Hawk! I was not going to reply but then your " we know better then stand in red." made me laugh and I thought, fk it! You might have fun with us even if we are mostly WvW. 

[HELL] is recruiting! WvW (Kaineng) and PvE

We are a group of laid back veterans and new players, mostly WvW but we have PvE people too. The Guild is max lvl. We have 200+ Members with around 30 ish active and a Discord server. We are in Kaineng.  If your interested, you can send me a message in game  Elrenia Hothien.4657  Or you can send me a message on the forums here. < 3

WvW Raids
Fridays (Reset), Saturdays (8PM EST), Sundays (3PM EST).
We have People roaming during the week too. 

Here's a video of us, lol ~ Link ~

Edited by Elrenia Hothien.4657
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