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clarity in wording of traits. Serrated Stones.

Ukon Cairns.9160

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the May 11th patch was a good start at providing clarity to dmg modifiers in traits; Piercing Shards (Water: major adept) specifies it only affects Strike dmg, Elements of Rage (Weaver: major grandmaster) got changed to affect All dmg, but one that slipped through the cracks was Serrated Stones (Earth: major adept) still using the old "deal increased dmg" wording which testing has shown doesnt include condi dmg.    


im asking, can Anet do one more pass on all traits and use the "Strike / Condition / All" wording to clarify what these dmg modifier traits actually do.   

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Yep it only increases Strike damage  since the beginning of the game without a touch.


Is it totally, stupidly, in the opposite direction than the whole traitlane and even the trait itself ? Yes.

Why is it the same since almost 10 years without any touch, without even any clarification about what damage or change to condi damage ? I don't have this answer, sorry.


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