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Increase the min level for Ranked and create tutos about PVP


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No. Not as long as ranked is the only way to have "something like balanced" teams. Have you tried unranked recently? 95% (could be more or less) of the matches in unranked are 500:30 or something like this. You learn nothing in those matches. 

Why would you want to make this time even longer. You just grind there for nothing.

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Ranked PvP is as unbalanced as unranked, so there no longer is a point in still having the requirement,

other than Arenanet potentially breaking PvP systems while trying to remove it.


Arenanet could merge both queues and only have ranked remaining, without anyone noticing actual differences in match quality, or match manipulation.

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On 6/6/2021 at 4:48 AM, diomache.9246 said:

No. Not as long as ranked is the only way to have "something like balanced" teams. Have you tried unranked recently? 95% (could be more or less) of the matches in unranked are 500:30 or something like this. You learn nothing in those matches. 

Why would you want to make this time even longer. You just grind there for nothing.

UNranked,  there is  a reason thats called UN-ranked, people should stuck there until they get level for RANKED. And you Learn TONS on that matches, lose a match doesnt mean YOU play badly.

UNranked isnt for grind level, it is to learn how to play it.


On 6/6/2021 at 11:49 AM, QuirkyDM.2351 said:

Or the bad players just get stuck at low ranks ... so what's the problem?

You get silvers and golders on plat matches too often, so, it is better wait more for queues than play those ridiculous matches. Conclusion: That guy that would be jumping on ranked at the same day he downloaded the game, will spend much more time learning.

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10 hours ago, anjo.6143 said:

UNranked,  there is  a reason thats called UN-ranked, people should stuck there until they get level for RANKED. And you Learn TONS on that matches, lose a match doesnt mean YOU play badly.

UNranked isnt for grind level, it is to learn how to play it.


You get silvers and golders on plat matches too often, so, it is better wait more for queues than play those ridiculous matches. Conclusion: That guy that would be jumping on ranked at the same day he downloaded the game, will spend much more time learning.



You do realize that no one can jump on to ranked the same day they download the game, right? You have to get to rank 20 in unranked matches before you're allowed to play ranked. I'm not sure what else you want to have happen here. Make them wait until rank 30? 40?


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This won't change a thing. So long as the matchmaker pits plats vs bronze/silver, you're still going to have these kinds of players on your team. They're going to feed, and there's little you or they can do about it. 


Ideally, the proper solution is to fix the matchmaker to create matches where everyone is of as similar skill level (+/- ~100 rating), but the population isn't big enough for that. 


Making new players slog though more of the dumpster fire that is unranked isn't going to magically make your games better. It'll just make the experience of getting into ranked less accessible and more frustrating. 


Tutorials would be nice to show new players the basics. When it comes to advanced strategy however, this is where the community of most games takes over. Vallun has been doing a good job of releasing PvP content. I recommend anyone new to PvP check him out. 

Edited by Kuma.1503
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