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[NA] Contemporary Heroes (CH) - Casual no drama PvX guild open for new members


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Contemporary Heroes (CH) is recruiting new members. We are a North American guild on the HOD server, but will accept members from anywhere.  We are a friendly group (about 50 active players - usually get 15-25 for events) that believes in helping one another with achievements and just having fun. The guild offers open world events twice a week - and WvW for HOD members once a week - but likes to leave the rest of the week open for members to pull together their own activities.


Our scheduled events are below:

Mondays @ 8:45 est: Guild Missions

Wednesdays @ 8:15 est: WvW (HOD members only for obvious reasons)

Sundays @ 8:15 est: Open world PVE


We do not have rep or attendance guidelines. The guild is here to offer fun activities for members, not the other way around. All that we ask is that members leave drama outside the game and focus on having fun with one another.


We do have groups that do the more advanced content (raids, t4 fractals), but they are not a guild focus and have their own process for recruiting. 


If you are interested, reach out to me in game or leave me a note here. 

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