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Musical Instruments

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This will mostly concern those who purchased the musical instruments novelties from the gem store, which includes a fairly large group of people, such as entire guilds, or smaller communities.
Currently the instruments inside guild wars are locked to a certain scale (C major in most cases) which means you have 7 different notes to play, instead of the 12 like on most instruments such as piano.
This limits what can be played to a fraction of what could be possible. You almost just hear nursery rhymes and very simple songs being played because that truly is where a fixed scale shines. So playing things such as almost every classical piece, and even some common songs with extra layers of complexity and modulation - is next to impossible. You can't even play a harmonic minor scale. Only the natural minor scale is playable, and almost no song is written entirely in natural minor.
All I ask is that the 5 missing tones get added.
Currently the skill-bar is replaced with 8 notes, and two octave swapping keys. However, there are 5 class specific skill bindings; F1 - F5 by default, which amount exactly to the missing tones.

Please add those tones to the mentioned skill slots, and it will expand the benchmark for music in guild wars by many miles.
Being able to play music in an RPG is amazing, but adding this tiny change will make such a colossal difference, for me at least it will be like a dream come true.
I hope people agree with this idea.
Sincerely yours;

Abyssling (InBedWithMySelf)

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Sometimes I hear pretty good player made stuff, sometimes it's terrible and I have to turn off Player sounds. But all in all I think the Musical instruments add to the flavour. The other day I even pulled out my chair and listened for a while, it was really good. Why is there no /applaud emote btw? 


Anyway, adding those 5 notes can only make it better, I think. 

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