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Game Crash during Hidden Arcana

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Well I can tell you that I could not send a bug report because I did disconnect. but first the game simply froze when I tried -- on 2 different days-- to hit the crystal after killing Facet of light to progress the story. I simply will not be able to continue with the  Return and bonus events until it is fixed-- and I am not alone w/ this problem. 


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Yes, the game 'freezes', often, when a disconnect is about to happen.

You can try the plethora of tips/workarounds found in the Dev-posted thread, 'Storyline Disconnects'.  I suggest starting at the end and working back.


What works for me is continuously spamming a weapon skill and/or moving the character; others have had success with a VPN (make sure it takes a different path to the ArenaNet servers).


Good luck.

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Have been searching for the "storyline disconnects" and cannot find it. found one link-- but when I clicked on it-- said it did not exist. Oh well, guess I won't be finishing this set of bonus events. Instead of sending players all over the place to solve a problem, maybe ,since I am reading about many freezes, crashes, disconnects lately-- you guys FIX it.

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ok thank you for info. I did as you suggested and send a crash report. Anet did respond and had me change a couple of settings, and it worked. And yes that was the site I tried. I hope  others  can benefit-- change streaming to "On Demand" and frame rate to 30. Worked for me!


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I thank you for info. I did as you suggested and send a crash report. Anet did respond and had me change a couple of settings, and it worked. And yes that was the site I tried. I hope  others  can benefit-- change streaming to "On Demand" and frame rate to 30. Worked for me!


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