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What would you like to see as buffs or nerfs?


What would you like to see? Buffs and nerfs.  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. What would you like to see as buffs?

    • Weaver dps buff
    • More self-boons on elementalist to (example: non perm quickness or alac)
    • Tempest dps buff
    • Tempest Boon or heal buff
    • Power dps sustain
    • Something different thats not mentioned
    • Nothing
  2. 2. What would you like to see as nerf?

    • Weaver dps nerf
    • Tempest dps nerf
    • Tempest heal or boon nerf
    • No nerf
    • A nerf that is not mentioned here

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Power variants of ele have dreadful survivability, so that does need to be looked at. Unless, of course they are willing to compensate with clearly superior damage, which I am certain Anet are not willing to do.

Ele self-boon has also fallen behind significantly. Tempest has something going there, but core and weaver have some of the worst self-buffing in the game right now. Pretty unacceptable for a class with such weak base stats. Back in core, ele used to have some of the better options for boons. Now all these options have been rendered irrelevant by power creep in other professions.


They would need to do updates across the board here, but they could start by reworking some things on the more outdated trait lines of ele. I am talking about earth and arcane. Earth is a rather dreadful trait line that is taken by condi builds only because its your only option for a 3rd condi line. There are lots of traits here that have not been updated in ages, especially rock solid which is literally a 2013 trait. Making the earth line better would also make signets a much better utility option for many builds, which is a very easy way to increase variety in utility skills. Especially, since ele has a problem with so many utilities being quite bad.


Arcane is the boon line and needs to be updated to enable ele to access better boon capabilities again. It's possible that the next elite spec may have a boon focus, but that does not mean that the rest of the class should have terrible boon access. Since arcane is more power focused, this could also help power specs get some more survivability. In addition, if the combo system was to be reworked and buffed, that would really help the class as it excels in making its own combos. The problem being that combos have not kept up with the powercreep, like much of elementalist.

Edited by Ganathar.4956
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If I could only ask for 7 buffs / QoL changes:


  1.  Bring back Arcane Fury
  2.  Do a revision on every core utility (cooldowns, stunbreak functionalities)
  3.  Rework Arcanes / Elemental Surge and give them a real purpose.
  4.  Do a tune-up on staff. Make it more responsive and less clunky - Too many delayed abilities and slow, avoidable autoattacks.
  5.  C o n j u r e s. Either make them like kits (with cooldown on swap),  give them charges again, idk man, something.
  6.  Get rid of those diminishing return damage reduction on meteor shower and similar abilities. It's lazy balancing.
  7.  Buff base health from ele to rival mesmers.



Edited by Razor.6392
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3 minutes ago, Razor.6392 said:

If I could only ask for 5 buffs / QoL changes:


  1.  Bring back Arcane Fury
  2.  Do a revision on every core utility (cooldowns, stunbreak functionalities)
  3.  Rework Arcanes / Elemental Surge and give them a real purpose.
  4.  Do a tune-up on staff. Make it more responsive and less clunky - Too many delayed abilities and slow, avoidable autoattacks.
  5.  C o n j u r e s. Either make them like kits (with cooldown on swap),  give them charges again, idk man, something.




For conjures specifically, I'd prefer if the skill category was removed and replaced with a skill type that provides real support. It's obvious that conjures have failed their intent on supporting and they will never work. Just give us something else. Anet has removed and replaced utility categories for other classes, so they can do it here too.

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At this point Id love to have any form of dmg buff to weaver, either power or condi and either burst or sustain to make the class at least more relevant in cm fractals.

As of right now, scourges or cfb are much more demanded due to their ridiculous condi dmg AND utility they provide to the team, its already a joke but a sad one.


Even in raids you barely see weavers running around cause they offer 0 to the raid but need big uptime on alac/quickness, its in a really odd spot and I really hope Anet stops this nonsense nerfs and does something useful for once before its a dead class entirely.

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2 hours ago, TheQuickFox.3826 said:

I would like to see significant buffs to core Elementalist because it is irrelevant now.

I would like to see Elementalist base health increased to be at the same level as Mesmer to make Ellies a bit less fragile.

I think making Eles more tanky would kill the purpose of the class gameplay. They have twice as many weapon skills available for a reason, plus unlike Mesmer Ele has access to some barrier and water/earth skills serving some additional sustain.


Not sure what could be buffed, maybe staff/scepter to make ranged dps as effective as melee?

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1 hour ago, Mik.3401 said:

I think making Eles more tanky would kill the purpose of the class gameplay. They have twice as many weapon skills available for a reason, plus unlike Mesmer Ele has access to some barrier and water/earth skills serving some additional sustain.


Not sure what could be buffed, maybe staff/scepter to make ranged dps as effective as melee?

Mesmer has tons of clones and most enemies focus them over you.  Thats also a kind of sustain. And if you talk about barrier, you mean weaver, core and tempest have 0 barrier. 

In fractals or sth like that its also not nice if you have to swap out a dps Utility or trait for a barrier one. 

Most classes have sustain in their dps build already. 


Guardian, aegis, heal, protection n so on.


Necro: 18k base hp + shroud, life siphon.


Revenant: 15k hp but the life siphon is that big that it keeps u alive already, 2 heal skills.


Warrior: 18k hp, heavy armor.


Ranger: pet gets focused often, good range weapons, mid armor life siphon on poisoning at soulbeast. 


Thief: life siphon ability. Blindness spam, stealth, good passive healing by signet, dodges, mid armor. 


Engi: some barrier, healing, also holo spec gives a good heal in traitline that u cant swap out.


Mesmer: clones with good range options makes you able to solo most hot hps in full berserker in ease. Mirage has good sustain anyway. 



Ele has to swap out traits or Utility skills that give good dps to get good sustain. Same as weaver. As ele you are not able to deal same dps as with full dps stuff and having fair sustain while that. Also poor selfboon abilities.


I am in for a hp buff to 15k. Or at least more healing on the passive signet or something. Even if that doesnt help u if u r 1hit bc u have 11.6k hp and 1,967 armor points with full ascended armor. 

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2 minutes ago, Fueki.4753 said:

I'd like to see nerfs to Weaver and buffs to core Elementalist.


But that'd be healthy for the game and thus won't happen.

Uuuh I would say that would be really unhealthy. 

Weaver is the dps elite spec of ele and tempest the dps/heal/aura. Tempest already benches very high. If you nerf weaver and put it on core, we have a tempest that does more dps than the dps spec weaver. 

Now this would be unhealthy.

A spec of a class with more roles should not deal more dps than a spec that is just for dps.

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2 suggestions:

have power overwhelming copy imbued hastes bonus but with +250 power, precision and vitality instead (unfortunately have to cut down to +150 in competitive game modes) might requirement can stay the same. the precision is to let power weavers additionally run masters fortitude and to remove either the accuracy sigil or signet of fire on non-weaver power ele builds

have at least one weapon skill on all weapon combinations in fire to stack might per successful strike/on hit. suitable candidates include drakes breath, flamestrike, lava font, meteor shower, wildfire and flame uprising


Edited by Noodle Ant.1605
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12 hours ago, Vindicate.6951 said:

At this point Id love to have any form of dmg buff to weaver, either power or condi and either burst or sustain to make the class at least more relevant in cm fractals.

As of right now, scourges or cfb are much more demanded due to their ridiculous condi dmg AND utility they provide to the team, its already a joke but a sad one.


Even in raids you barely see weavers running around cause they offer 0 to the raid but need big uptime on alac/quickness, its in a really odd spot and I really hope Anet stops this nonsense nerfs and does something useful for once before its a dead class entirely.

not to shatter your hopes or anything, but i dont think ele will be any more relevant in fractals because 1) the meta requires some broken aspect (preferably shareable) or a huge burst which ele has neither (afaik its ‘burst’ has been carried by owp stance share and a list of precasts thats even more effort than condi weaver) and 2) outside this meta you really want to play condi because theres this bonus that only applies to condi and not power. on that note, i did some digging and discovered that this bonus varies from ~3-10% depending on the situation (the exact math is complicated). most condi ele builds happen to receive some of the lowest bonuses, and combined with the difference between a fractal environment and a raid bench, they will naturally pale in comparison unless it has a ridiculous 50k raid bench or higher (you can imagine how probable that sounds)

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9 hours ago, SeTect.5918 said:

Uuuh I would say that would be really unhealthy. 

Weaver is the dps elite spec of ele and tempest the dps/heal/aura. Tempest already benches very high. If you nerf weaver and put it on core, we have a tempest that does more dps than the dps spec weaver. 

Now this would be unhealthy.

A spec of a class with more roles should not deal more dps than a spec that is just for dps.

If Weaver truly was supposed the DPS/glass cannon elite specialization for Elementalists, it wouldn't need Barrier.

So, there is where something could be cut in your train of thought.


And core Elementalist objectively needs improvements.

Removing some of the "while in X attunement" requirements would be a decent start.

For example, Chronomancer's Time Marches On is permanently active and has an additional effect.

There is absolutely no reason, other than developer bias against Elementalist, why Zephyr's Speed should be restricted to the Air Attunement.

And no, balance is no argument, because the game has none of it in the first place.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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16 minutes ago, Fueki.4753 said:

If Weaver truly was supposed the DPS/glass cannon elite specialization for Elementalists, it wouldn't need Barrier.

So, there is where something could be cut in your train of thought.


And core Elementalist objectively needs improvements.

Removing some of the "while in X attunement" requirements would be a decent start.

For example, Chronomancer's Time Marches On is permanently active and has an additional effect.

There is absolutely no reason, other than developer bias against Elementalist, why Zephyr's Speed should be restricted to the Air Attunement.

And no, balance is no argument, because the game has none of it in the first place.

Well barrier means sustain and ele or weaver is one of the worst classes in case of sustain. Even with the barrier. 

And dont tell me that weaver should be sustain/dps. 

I think you didnt want to say this tho. Maybe anet wanted it first to be sustain a bit but then totally failed. Anyway people do not see it as sustained class. Especially not weaver. Its pure dps for most ones. 


And as i said, most classes have sustain already in their dps build or already as class itself. 

Ele has to swap out traits for it (or Utility skills).

But if you do this you lose a good dps trait or skill. 


Thats why ele is also not seen well for example in fractals. Or would you want to swap out utility skills and traits to get barrier and lose 10-20% dps then?


Talked about power dps. As condi you have better sustain options bc of trailblazers or whatever. 


Edit: personally i run trailblazers in fractals because you dont lose too much dps because of the "toughness to condi dmg trait" and i neednt dodge as much as with vipers what means a dps increase for trailblazers too. 

Edited by SeTect.5918
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Aura: I'd like to see a rework of the elementals auras. The fact that they allow the elementalist to give boons is nice but I've never been satisfied by the aura themselves. I can't help but think that if Fire aura gave 150 raw power instead of "1 might stack when stuck", elementalist would be as sought out as a support for PvE group content as a warrior.


Conjure: I'd also like to see a rework of the way conjure work, it was fine pre-HoT but after HoT the game changed in such a way that providing a weapon kit to your allies is no longer a sought out support (No amount of reasonable buffs to said kits will change this fact). Also:

- Flame axe skill kit is still incredibly awkward to use.

- Frostbow could be a dps centric kit, why does it have to be focused on healing? Can't we just have a Ice theme kit that make us feel like a frost mage for once and not a poor excuse of a healer? Frostbow is probably our best bet at that.

- Lightning Hammer: Why the hell does it grant 75 ferocity instead of 180 like all other stats granted by the conjured weapons?

- Can we update FGS's Fiery eruption radius? I'm pretty sure 150 is a non-standard aoe radius.


Cantrip: They need love!

- Cleansing fire CD is to long this skill need either to have it's CD droped to 30s or to cleanse allies as well.

- Armor of earth could afford to get 6s of resolution on top of it's current effects.


Diamond skin: Can we just change this trait to grant resolution (6s) while attuning to earth and improve resolution effect on the elementalist by 20%?


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1 hour ago, SeTect.5918 said:

Well barrier means sustain and ele or weaver is one of the worst classes in case of sustain. Even with the barrier. 

And dont tell me that weaver should be sustain/dps. 

I think you didnt want to say this tho. Maybe anet wanted it first to be sustain a bit but then totally failed. Anyway people do not see it as sustained class. Especially not weaver. Its pure dps for most ones. 


And as i said, most classes have sustain already in their dps build or already as class itself. 

Ele has to swap out traits for it (or Utility skills).

But if you do this you lose a good dps trait or skill. 


Thats why ele is also not seen well for example in fractals. Or would you want to swap out utility skills and traits to get barrier and lose 10-20% dps then?


Talked about power dps. As condi you have better sustain options bc of trailblazers or whatever. 


Edit: personally i run trailblazers in fractals because you dont lose too much dps because of the "toughness to condi dmg trait" and i neednt dodge as much as with vipers what means a dps increase for trailblazers too. 

To me it feels more that Barrier would fit better in the Earth traitline than Weaver.

Earth needs to be overhauled in its defensive capabilities anyway.

Elemental Shielding, for example, could give Barrier instead of Protection.

Stoneflesh could also give Barrier when struck, albeit with an iCD, instead of it's current effect. This would have the additional bonus of removing one of the unnecessary "while attuned to X" requirements.

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2 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

To me it feels more that Barrier would fit better in the Earth traitline than Weaver.

Earth needs to be overhauled in its defensive capabilities anyway.

Elemental Shielding, for example, could give Barrier instead of Protection.

Stoneflesh could also give Barrier when struck, albeit with an iCD, instead of it's current effect. This would have the additional bonus of removing one of the unnecessary "while attuned to X" requirements.

I cant disagree, barrier fits more to earth. 

I think the idea behind weaver was, that you have 2 elements that u put together and that makes barrier. Thats why double attack skills grant barrier. But then weave yourself should also grant barrier. No clue.


I would not give too much barrier to earth spec bc it could lead to overperforming. 

I d say earth should get a small amount of barrier and more self boons on other specs. 

I would also not remove the protection because then ele has even less boons. 


I like the idea tho bc they should rework earth traitline anyway. 


BUT dreams stay dreams. Anet will only nerf ele more and more. 

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Quickness on Core is needed, but a cast time revision is welcome as well.


I don't think weaver should be nerfed, however I would like to see the 10% Condi Damage from Weaver's Prowess moved to Earth trait line (so both Core and Tempest have access to it as well) and replaced by something else, maybe self alac. Or either have Elements of Rage reworked so it gives valuable AoE boons such as quickness and alac when fully attuning to a element.


Also, ele self-sustain is fine. Just don't be afraid of Water and build for it.

Edited by talesbfftt.4596
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Braver polarization of the elementalist weapon skill sets, so that not all sets of a particular element offer stun or heal or whatever, and that some are maybe kinda more good at something, while lacking something entirely. Ditto polarization for power/condi for some weapons/elements.

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1. DPS boost on both variants of weaver so people can run it and not have to be full glass. It doesn't support well so it has to have high damage. Higher DPS would allow people to run marauder trinkets and then use Master's Fortitude which would minimize the glass factor for power weaver besides just relying on barriers from dual attacks. For condi weaver it just is a difficult rotation and is fully melee more or less so it should do more damage.
1b. DPS boost via less RNG on power tempest in boss fights, not just adding DPS on skills (lol scepter auto in fire). If it were able to reliably hit benchmark more people would run it as it isn't terrible as it provides boons such as might (and stability + protection for itself). If there's nothing to hit but the boss, I don't know why all hits of overload air , lightning orb, invoke lightning, lightning storm, etc. can't connect.

2. Make conjures half the cooldown or something (ammo?) and remove the dropped part.

3. Revert lava font in PVE so that staff is usable (it was reduced by 40%). If 37K ranged scourge DPS and 33K+ condi shortbow DPS on soulbeast is fine, why not staff?

4. rework Pyromancer's Puissance so it is usable on DPS builds again

5. glyph of elemental power shouldn't be consumed on autoattacks

Heal tempest is okay right now (although not as strong as heal firebrand or heal scourge in terms of carry), so it really comes down to damage.

Edited by Infusion.7149
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