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Edge of the Mists

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It's a beautiful map, and it has been abandoned for more than a year (in huge part due to the massive nerf on k-training).


Can anything be done about this? It's such a waste to have this map rotting away with nobody using it. Can it be repurposed for regular wvw if you get rid of most falling hazards / adding fences (skyhammer treatment) and widening paths wherever possible?



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I love EotM. The map is great and the gameplay is fun when there's things to do. The falling hazards are what makes the map unique, just as skyhammer, the moment the map loses this "feature" it will become boring imho.


Can something be done about it? Sure, they did mounts, everything is possible. Will they do anything about it? I doubt it. EotM was made as unattractive to the WvW crowd as humanly possible to not divert the, on some servers extremly small, population. EotM s still passable for the players who want a GoB without actually playing WvW for example.

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It doesn't need any changes to be mainlined into WvW, just gliding and mounts enabled. Those two features would easily account for how harsh EoTM is to navigate.


How I'd like to see it:

Red - Desert Borderlands

Blue - Alpine Borderlands

Green - Jungle Borderlands (new map)

Eternal Battlegrounds

Edge of the Mists as an overflow to all maps


This way players would still have something to do while queued, while getting rid of the current implementation where EoTM doesn't award any points.


And add something interesting at the center of every Borderlands. Its the reason they've always been less interesting than EBG, because the maps are mostly empty space even on the venerable Alpine Borderlands.

Edited by Hannelore.8153
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To be honest, I always wondered why EOTM doesn't replace one of the Alpine Borderlands. 

OR - Just restore it to it's former glory. Those that went there, and there were a lot, wanted quick levels and weren't necessarily geared for fights. I wasn't, and was quite often food for pvpers. That was fine, and the trade off. 

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1 hour ago, VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig. said:

just make reward track progress and pips the same as in wvw and people would go there more willingly.

This. It gives a fraction of the rewards as WvW and WvW already is pretty low rewards so it's in the situation where people who want WvW rewards will go to a borderland or EBG, people who want to fight in WvW will go to a borderland/EBG, and people who don't mind WvW but prioritize making gold will stick with PvE.


If it were on par with WvW, pip farmers and people grinding out an GoB may be more inclined to go to EotM rather than taking up a slot in WvW.


It's a pretty place but unless you're specifically going for EotM achievements, there's zero reason to go there.

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7 hours ago, VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig. said:

just make reward track progress and pips the same as in wvw and people would go there more willingly.


Heck, make rewards better in wvw, and people would flood it.


It is really annoying that some minutes in fractals give better rewards than hours in wvw.

They can't do this because EoTM isn't a part of the matchup. When you join EoTM, you're not playing for your server but a red, green or blue team that has all the servers of that color merged together, so there's literally no war to fight outside the map.


To give the normal rewards like pips it has to be moved into the matchup.


(The goal of Alliances was to make all maps function like EoTM, replacing servers with colored teams consisting mostly of allied guilds.)

Edited by Hannelore.8153
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30 minutes ago, Hannelore.8153 said:

They can't do this because EoTM isn't a part of the matchup. When you join EoTM, you're not playing for your server but a red, green or blue team that has all the servers of that color merged together, so there's literally no war to fight outside the map.


To give the normal rewards like pips it has to be moved into the matchup.


(The goal of Alliances was to make all maps function like EoTM, replacing servers with colored teams consisting mostly of allied guilds.)

To clear up, Alliances was not to use the EotM team system in WvW. Alliances was a system to create many small servers (like we have now) by using guilds and alliances-of-guilds as the basic blocks, so you'd still have about as many servers as you have now, but would be dynamic so it could change as population changed over time. And would allow anyone to play with the people on their main wvw guild (at least after a while, so the servers got re-mixed).

You can read more about how it was planned in the thread that keeps getting bounced in the WvW forums.


Regarding rewards, they could adjust the rewards to be the same in EotM as to WvW if they wanted to, but they won't. For the reason that they want to avoid the situation they had in the past where more people played EotM (the Overflow map) than the main WvW mode, and they want to keep players playing together in the main WvW mode first.

I'm principally against the knee-jerk solution of "better rewards" being the solution to every problems in this game. If they increased the rewards so WvW/EotM was the best gold-farm in the game, people wouldn't like it more, they'd just "stomach" it more, and force themselves to do it just for the rewards, and leave it the moment they got what they wanted. By that definition ANet would be better off standarising rewards through the entire game, so nothing gave any more or less rewards than anything else. You'd quickly notice what activities people only did for the rewards, as they'd get deserted real quick.

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As an intermittent WvW player the only thing which puts me off playing in EotM is that I don't get Skirmish tickets (or the other match rewards) there. It makes it feel like it's not worth doing unless I only want to progress a reward track and all the WvW maps on my server have a long queue, and those two things never match up. (Especially since my favourite main WvW map is the desert borderlands and that's the least likely to have a long queue.)


I remember hearing that when the EotM map was developed Anet got various WvW guilds to test it and give feedback so it was actually designed for normal WvW play, but then the fact that it's disconnected from the matches (even before skirmish tickets that was an issue for serious WvW players) put people off playing there and I suspect Alliances are going to make it even more redundant because it will be less likely to be stuck in a long queue for normal maps.

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6 hours ago, Hannelore.8153 said:

They can't do this because EoTM isn't a part of the matchup. When you join EoTM, you're not playing for your server but a red, green or blue team that has all the servers of that color merged together, so there's literally no war to fight outside the map.


To give the normal rewards like pips it has to be moved into the matchup.


(The goal of Alliances was to make all maps function like EoTM, replacing servers with colored teams consisting mostly of allied guilds.)

There are multiple ways to deal with that problem


  1. simply increasing the reward track progress to match other wvw maps would already be an improvement to EotM rewards
  2. make the reward track progress higher than other wvw maps to compensate for the lack of skirmish rewards
  3. leave the numbers the same or possibly even lower the reward track progress a bit but add a reward track that gives a few skirmish tickets as an alternative for acquiring those


EotM has nothing to do with Alliances. Alliances is closer to megaserver where instead of assembling a new server every time a new instance is generated it assembles a new set of servers each matchup period.

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