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Anyone remember Cosmic essense?

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There was huge outcry when Anet removed cosmic essense from fractal drop. I remember many were saying how fractal is chaos now and DWD title is not enough for pugging.

And, I agree that for about a month, it was kinda frustrating experience to pug Fractal CMs but many new people got chance to do fractal CMs with d&d title regularly.

Now, it's very rare that CMs group fail to clear fractal in reasonable time.

Thank you Anet for eliminating 250+ essence that used to plague fractal group.

Perhaps, something like that can be done for Raid as well 🙂

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It is definitely different in NA server. I hardly see anyone asking more than DWD lately. Infact, I have not seen anyone asking more than DWD in a while now. And, I always join without any title and its very rare anyone even cares about it.

There used to be 1 or 2 group asking for external link for kp proof but its not there anymore. I guess, They either run with friends or guild.

Pug definitely got back to where it should be now. Easy to group up, and 90%+ time, success rate without too much hassle.

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5 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

Yea now we have 2k, 5k, 10k, 20k even seen 30k unstable fractal essence instead much better.

Before we had not just 250 groups there were up to 500 and as low as 10 or even some kp groups so not much differance.

First: This. It is exactly what the LFG looks like for EU.

Since it is not about my opinion here if i like that or not but fact is clear: removing the cosmic essences didnt change anything for EU. So yes, i remember them and i liked the possibility to hoard, sell or trade (NPC) them.

But it really didnt change a single thing for EU.
We still have equivalent KP-Classes in LFG from NO-KP, all over Low to Mid and High-KP grps.
Exactly no change there.

For me personally the people didnt change too. Still nubz at 15k+ or toxic people but generally good ones. Still very good players in low KP grps and most chilled mid-KP grps (i usually go for 7-8k UFE, despite having way more).
In conclusion... i remember and loved the old KPs but they got their replacement and i'm in peace with it now 🙂



Edited by theCypher.9406
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Yea, the only change, form what I have seen, is that people are now forced into engaging with 3rd party websites rather than a simply linkable ingame item, making the the high end Fractal pugging scene even less accessible and group finding and checking a lot more annoying. 


Most people I know (including me) have either quit pugging or playing the content entirely though out of continued frustration with out of touch decisions such as this and lack of content, so maybe the free for all groups that were always there are now more visible at times with less groups total, although whenever I happen to check it's this: 


On 6/16/2021 at 2:45 AM, Linken.6345 said:

now we have 2k, 5k, 10k, 20k even seen 30k unstable fractal essence


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On 6/16/2021 at 3:45 AM, Yellow Rainbow.6142 said:

It is definitely different in NA server. I hardly see anyone asking more than DWD lately. Infact, I have not seen anyone asking more than DWD in a while now. And, I always join without any title and its very rare anyone even cares about it.

There used to be 1 or 2 group asking for external link for kp proof but its not there anymore. I guess, They either run with friends or guild.

Pug definitely got back to where it should be now. Easy to group up, and 90%+ time, success rate without too much hassle.


and how many groups did you see demand NHLB versus KP before? You are comparing apples to oranges.


CM groups ask for UFE which is the equivalent of the old KP but now require signing up with killproof.me. Every time you see any number with UFE behind it, that is basically a demand for a killproof ID to backup that value.


At least that is how it is done on EU, except for very beginner level groups, where no demands might be made.


Maybe this is different for NA, but as far as EU, nothing has changed so your conclusions at least relating to EU are false.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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"and how many groups did you see demand NHLB versus KP before? You are comparing apples to oranges. "

almost none, every listing was 50 Ess to all the way 500 while 250 and 100 was common.


"CM groups ask for UFE which is the equivalent of the old KP but now require signing up with killproof.me. Every time you see any number with UFE behind it, that is basically a demand for a killproof ID to backup that value. "

Its been over a month now, I have not seen any UFE killproof.me lfg. Its only DWD or LNHB (if doing old cms only), and at least 30% of time, doesn't even see title requirement.


"Maybe this is different for NA, but as far as EU, nothing has changed so your conclusions at least relating to EU are false. "

Must be EU thing, NA is definitely changed for better lfg wise. I can very quickly find group and finish cms easily than before.

Its not rare to see 1 of the dps doing less than alac Ren, but I have yet to see anyone fuss about it lately as long as they do mechanics okay.

1 being carried is good thing for community. We have larger pool of player now than ever before in fractal.

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That is quite interesting.
Since killproof.me would work for NA too (obviously). It surprises me that we play the same game and had the same update but we still have the same KP-Strategy on EU (with UFE instead of Essences) but NA changed.

Cuz it is like people told, nothing changed for us. Title is rarely asked for since it was even a buyable thing on EU shortly after patch.

I would like to see LFG and grps being more chilled but successful at fractals without those KP-Pinging too, but i doubt it will ever happen.
Since i made the experience that it gets very toxic at a certain UFE level and you can still meet extremely bad players... But that is my experience and UFE didn't change anything to that :)


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I dont play Fractals on NA, but I pug raids from time to time on my NA alt and there is a pretty big difference in lfgs between EU and NA. In EU it's normal to see your standard 30/50KP Dhuums, 250LI W4's and all that stuff, whereas in NA most groups in lfg are gonna advertise along the lines of W4 be EXP instead of any LI or KP requirements. Sometimes you're gonna see KP or LI reqs on NA lfg, but feels like NA usually just trusts the random pugs to know what they are doing.

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What i would like to know is...
Are NA and EU equally successful in terms of raids and fractals when it comes to PUGs?

I do a lot of endgame content and my experience is that high KP/UFE/LI (whatever) is not always the best way to go for. That is for sure. Since a lot of skilled players go with medium high KP to have a smooth experience without stress. At least what i observed.

But in contrast. Most grps completely without KP and only "Be EXP" or similar are... not good.

I would like to know if NA PUG grps without LI are as effective as our EU grps in terms of success rate.
But we will never know i guess.
I would still prefer a "NO KP" lfg but... it has to work. And i doubt it would in EU.


Edited by theCypher.9406
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I kept one of the old essences just to have it, as it will never drop again. A memento if you will.


With that being said, when I used to form CM PUGs regularly, I never required KP or titles as both are meaningless when they can be easily bought, and that goes with any form of fractal/raid title. I judge people on how they perform, and if you perform poorly, I'd ask you to leave. An overwhelmingly amount of people were compliant with that but there were still problematic people obviously. You do encounter your regulars who you've ran with in the past who will make your CM/T4 group smooth and consistent.


If you're new or shaky on CMs, just say so beforehand. A lot of people on NA are actually decent and will give you an honest shot, but if you try to kitten your way through and lie about your exp, chances are you will get called out and kicked.

Edited by MorpheusDV.8592
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The KP check is even more kittenous now for absolutely no reason. The reason why groups don't fail is because condition was buffed and everyone plays it. Condition builds have much more built-in defence mechanisms and therefore just work when groups are extremely bad with basic mechanics.


Removing KPs doesn't remove the original problem: the playerbase is extremely lazy and entitled and the base game doesn't teach you with basic mechanics.

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