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I delete game cache folder every time before launch to avoid disconnects.

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During the 2nd half of the main story and onwards I have had consistent disconnects after certain cutscenes and dialog sections. I tried the clientport 443 trick, mashing keys, as well as running a YouTube Video in the background which seemed to have fixed fixed problem for a bit but I eventually started disconnecting again. I then tried deleting the gamecache folder and that seemed to stop the dc's for a few story missions. I then experienced another dc in a later mission, deleted the game cache folder and then successfully got through that story mission. So now, every time I play gw2, I make sure I delete the game cache folder and have not experienced any disconnects since. I am just wondering if anyone knows why this is working and if there is a technical reason behind it? Does the gamecache folder really get corrupted that frequently or is something else going on? 

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