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Save PvP with EoD

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The following could potentially save this game's PvP since at this point, it is basically only bots and hackers still playing it. The winning teams have been win trading for years and this is simply due to the small population in PvP.

If PvP could up its player count, it would make win trading extremely difficult such as in WoW Arena.

The following NEEDS to change. Now, many of the subject may be areas of dispute, however, those against I simply reference the last 7 years of GW2....PvP has only gone down, down and down due to these issues.


1.) Arena 2v2 and 3v3 are always available for rank and unranked play. 


-One of the biggest issues I hear gamers from other MMO's bring up when talking about GW2 PvP is that the only mode is Control the points....which heavily favors Tank builds. Adding arena into the mix...which had already proved to be the most popular form of competitive PvP in other MMO's, would help give players more options to play the way they want.


2.) Remove all gold rewards from SPvP.


-This mode has no use for gold to begin with, you chose your stats, rune, sigil's and weapon set which costs a few copper, and you're good to go. However, the fact that it gives gold rewards for playing has made it prime time for bot's. If you remove all gold rewards from SPvP, there would be no point in botting and they would vanish.


Those saying they want to make gold but only like to PvP......what do you want gold for. If you truly ONLY SPvP, then gold is worthless to you. If you do some PvE or WvW, then you'll get your gold there.


3.) Have dev's, even if just one, put in charge of reviewing repots and looking into events of hacking with resulting perma-bans.


-I see hackers almost every day in PvP, from teleporting, to perma buffs like holding Full Counter perma, to just plain flying through the sky or under the ground. These players need to have their accounts banned for good, and to keep from banning innocent players such as what happened in the past, we need a live dev or a couple of them available to look into these cases in person.


3B.) The report function needs to actually do something. 


-Pretty much every PvP player in the game knows at this point that the report function is a placebo. It doesn't go anywhere and no one looks at it. Players spewing racial slurs in every game while AFK'n for months on end with reports in the triple digits just from myself and people I play with, never missing a day and still playing as I type this. This goes for bot's and hackers as well. "3" will help solve this.


4.) Downed state along with Rally has no place in SPvP.


-The most controversial one on the list...I know. There are plenty of people who love downed state and claim it's unique to GW2 and keeps from burst builds dominating. However, downed state is the most mentioned reason for SPvP being considered uncompetitive by almost all sources. From streamers, to Youtuber's and even from their own E-sports players back in the day. They flat out said downed state shouldn't be in PvP. In most PvP games, tanky builds can be annoying to bring down, however, you mix it with GW2 only having one PvP mode of control the circle....and add in what is virtually a second life bar with downed state, and tanks take over PvP. Even today...the current meta is tanky brawler meta. You can even find videos of the old competitive teams playing with 2 enemy Guardians standing on a point to keep it Grey, fighting for about 5 minutes, and then just standing there and sitting on the point together for over 15 minutes because they were too tanky to die. That's never a good look in a competitive e-sport game with two players sitting down with each other not fighting..... This mixed with the randomness of Rally...rezzing 3 teammates by killing one enemy....downed state needs to go.


Now, Downed State and Rally are GREAT in PvE...it's not as if Downed State is gone from the game.


I'd love to hear any other suggestions that you think should be added into PvP with EoD to help revive it. If you really think some of these shouldn't change, lets hear why. However, if your response it to leave it as it is now...I simply reference the current state of PvP that has been brought on by the existing systems and the decline of PvP over the last several years. Leaving it like this will just result in more of the same...which is unacceptable. I've even heard people say MMO PVP is never meant to be that popular...it's as if people just believe if they pretend WoW Arena doesn't exits...it won't have huge viewer bases on Twitch and Million Dollar Prize Pools. The fact is, Competitive MMO PVP is huge and GW2 has the potential to be apart of the scene if they do it right. ANet just needs to do what's needed.



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Let's begin in order:
1) Yeah i would say a constant unranked Playlist would be cool, but a constant Ranked would only futher Split the Community and not help
2) While Removing all Gold from the loot, would help against the bots. It would also futher decline the player count because some player only play pvp because of the fast gold u can make.
3) Ha the lovley Money, the best would be to futher expand a Algorithm what helps them identfiy the hackers and bots.
3B) it does something it sends a ticket to anet what they review, and sometimes ban people. I now currently from around 5 Player where i reported too that got banned.(The best thing to help would here, to inform the reporter that a player where they reported got a ban for his behavior...)
4) are u from 2012 or something? Downstate and all play with that connected are the roots of GW2 Unquie Identite removing it constant from the sPvP would make this mode odd for newbies from the other modes and remove some intressting downstate plays, where esspacilly higher skilled player can gain alot of things of.(Out bleeding, cap neutral holding, Mistforming or porting to ally to rezz, all rezz skills, 1+ in teamfights with focused aim attackes... all this strat develope over the years of playing just gone)

What i personaly think would help the Gw2 PvP.
1) Better Matchmaking,
The Matchmaking should not only be controlled threw class balance but also with the elite specs in view. This would be solve some problems with not having a supporter in a team but the other have...
2) More Mini Seasons Mode,
Just on the Hand, Anet said to begin of the mini season that they would also like to add CtF or King of the Hill i hope something like this comes with EoD.(And a good Battle Royal, not this wirred Southsun thing), also adding the pvp Mode from Ft4W would be a good start.
3) The Special AT Mode Satuerday,
While i auctelly like this AT Week where u have each day a diffrent Mode AT mode it would also be cool to change that up that we have each satuerday a diffrent mode. And Aim for having one Turnier each Year for the special mode where u can get a special title and a special Gizmo.
4) Let the Esport Return,
that is something what is on the hand, while many i argue but the balance is still bad i would say that dosen't rly matter when the balance is at least not focused around one build.

Target for the Mode:
Currently the Target for the mode should be, to have 1 major Balance Patch each quartale and each month smaller fixes, to keep it intressting.
Beside that Anet should focused too fuel more player in to lower the matchmaking times in the higher area and to get fairere Matches overhaul. Beside that i think with season 30 it should be time to get the next Bulk of pvp Title out for Top1-250

Ur currently P2 Fire Weaver and top 100

PS: the bunker problem
As it alwayse would be and alwayse was, is the bunker problem, personaly i hate bunkers and they more ezy way to get ezy good, but the desgin of the mode caputer the points, makes them the natural supiorer. The best way against this problem would not be to remove downstate or lower the heal and the barrier to "remove" them, it would be just better to buff more the dullist builds, where should be the conter to bunker with the idea to not only stay ezy alife against them but also be on the point, and buff the roamer Builds where currently only good too to 1+ duellls against a dullist but not against a bunker.

PSS: I know my english is rly bad, i apolgize for that

Edited by Orih.5210
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There's nothing wrong with unranked gold rewards right now, it's capped at 15g a day. Ranked gold rewards need to be capped at byzantium chest. People with hundreds of games a season if they're not streamers are doing it for ascended shards of glory or reward tracks if they don't play PvP exclusively.

Unranked and ranked has a matchmaking issue but that can only be solved with population. It is highly dependent on time of day because the pool of players isn't large.  Fundamentally you can't expect someone on a different class than they normally play to do well regardless so there's that factor too.

Conquest is actually less conducive to "only tank builds" because mobility is valued if you have to fight over more than one area. A good example is Capricorn or Temple of the Silent Storm. 2v2 has been plagued by scourges and necros since its inception. If you want to talk about additional modes they could probably bring back HoH / Heroe's Ascent , Alliance Battles , JQ/FA mechanics as events. "Nodes" , Capture the flag, and "king of the hill" type of things. Stronghold without such an emphasis on NPCs could probably be revamped.

The thing with reporting is it is labor intensive. If someone is playing 4000 games for example in  a season yes that should be flagged. Same thing goes for pathing under the map. However, if someone doesn't play 9 classes and just reports something they think is hacking it's a waste of resources spent elsewhere. For example you can teleport on thief ,mesmer, or even scourge with wurm / spectral walk and very rarely sand swell. Imagine if someone reports every trapper rune DH because guardians don't have stealth skills.

Downstate is a contentious issue. Its removal renders many skills useless so probably rally should be removed with downstate rebalanced for the damage nerf in 2020.

Actual suggestion:

Similar to GW1 there should be an ability to spectate past monthly AT match after the fact. It could be on their youtube , twitch, or facebook. There should be no reason you need to search hard for coverage on monthly AT.

A good thing to do would also to list the players and builds at the end.

Edited by Infusion.7149
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This is much simpler than either of you are making it out to be.


  1. Move rating/badge icon algorithm to AT monthly seasons. Sorry it needs to happen. 5v5 premade teams is the only way to stop match manipulation in the traditional sense. Move all old ranked rewards to unranked. Leave badge/rating indication and AT rewards to ATs.
  2. Now this only leaves potential DDOS or hacks in play to be reported during ATs, which will be way way less frequent for devs to sort through and it should be manageable. No one will care to manipulate unranked.
  3. This is also important because it creates two distinct different fish tanks that will incentivize the separation of two different demographics of players. 1) The farmers and bots go to unranked as well as those looking to casual around. No more rating & clout means no one cares to cheat. 2) The hardcore community can play 5 man premade ATs to compete for rating, now with the ability to block themselves from being thrown on.


It is highly highly questionable as to why Arenanet has not already made this happen. Anyone who knows the game well that knows what's going on, can clearly see that this is the shortest, fastest, and cleanest route to cleaning up the very large majority of problems that plague the spvp game mode.


It's almost as if someone in that office making decisions were actually wanting the match manipulation to stay enabled.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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25 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

This is much simpler than either of you are making it out to be.


  1. Move rating/badge icon algorithm to AT monthly seasons. Sorry it needs to happen. 5v5 premade teams is the only way to stop match manipulation in the traditional sense. Move all old ranked rewards to unranked. Leave badge/rating indication and AT rewards to ATs.
  2. Now this only leaves potential DDOS or hacks in play to be reported during ATs, which will be way way less frequent for devs to sort through and it should be manageable. No one will care to manipulate unranked.
  3. This is also important because it creates two distinct different fish tanks that will incentivize the separation of two different demographics of players. 1) The farmers and bots go to unranked as well as those looking to casual around. No more rating & clout means no one cares to cheat. 2) The hardcore community can play 5 man premade ATs to compete for rating, now with the ability to block themselves from being thrown on.


It is highly highly questionable as to why Arenanet has not already made this happen. Anyone who knows the game well that knows what's going on, can clearly see that this is the shortest, fastest, and cleanest route to cleaning up the very large majority of problems that plague the spvp game mode.


It's almost as if someone in that office making decisions were actually wanting the match manipulation to stay enabled.

I agree with your points, ATs should replace ranked. But i would add the following: 


  • Liquid gold in unranked chests would need to be removed, so it is not that profitable to run bots 24/7.
  • The liquid gold could be increased in the ATs rewards. 
  • That lost gold in unranked should be brought back  to the "Top" achievements you get at the end of the match(top healer, top damage,etc..), so:
    • Reward is constant rewarding players for playing more.
    • Rewards active gameplay and learning to play better. 


It is no so important to keep a population as to keep a healthy population. 






Edited by anduriell.6280
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29 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

This is much simpler than either of you are making it out to be.


  1. Move rating/badge icon algorithm to AT monthly seasons. Sorry it needs to happen. 5v5 premade teams is the only way to stop match manipulation in the traditional sense. Move all old ranked rewards to unranked. Leave badge/rating indication and AT rewards to ATs.
  2. Now this only leaves potential DDOS or hacks in play to be reported during ATs, which will be way way less frequent for devs to sort through and it should be manageable. No one will care to manipulate unranked.
  3. This is also important because it creates two distinct different fish tanks that will incentivize the separation of two different demographics of players. 1) The farmers and bots go to unranked as well as those looking to casual around. No more rating & clout means no one cares to cheat. 2) The hardcore community can play 5 man premade ATs to compete for rating, now with the ability to block themselves from being thrown on.


It is highly highly questionable as to why Arenanet has not already made this happen. Anyone who knows the game well that knows what's going on, can clearly see that this is the shortest, fastest, and cleanest route to cleaning up the very large majority of problems that plague the spvp game mode.


It's almost as if someone in that office making decisions were actually wanting the match manipulation to stay enabled.

Replacing soloQ with AT will kill PvP.
It is much harder to cooperate 5 ppl to play. Most people won't do that. Even in games like WoW where you just need 1 or 2 teammates people are constanly asking for soloQ. This is the trend for PvP MMO nowadays.
Also, many top players are saying AT is boring.

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6 minutes ago, Spellhunter.9675 said:

Replacing soloQ with AT will kill PvP.
It is much harder to cooperate 5 ppl to play. Most people won't do that. Even in games like WoW where you just need 1 or 2 teammates people are constanly asking for soloQ. This is the trend for PvP MMO nowadays.
Also, many top players are saying AT is boring.


You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. I know you think you do, but you don't.


And furthermore, with my suggested format, you don't need to play in ATs in 5 man premades if you don't want to or aren't competitive enough. You can stick to unranked yolo queue and just have fun. Rating/badge icon should be preserved for the hardcore player base that is competitive, and it should be guarded for clean play that is free of match manipulation. If you aren't willing to form a real team to be competitive for that badge, maybe you don't deserve it or don't want it badly enough.


That badge should represent players who are a part of the competitive community and the standard in which that competitive community operates needs a serious overhaul & upgrade.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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2 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:


You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. I know you think you do, but you don't.


And furthermore, with my suggested format, you don't need to play in ATs in 5 man premades if you don't want to or aren't competitive enough. But rating/badge icon should be preserved for the hardcore player base that is competitive, and it guarded for clean play that is free of match manipulation.



It's so funny when people came with stupid ideas and can't stood any disagreement.

Edited by Spellhunter.9675
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Just now, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:


If your disagreement was founded in any level of actual experience in GW2 instead of WoW, maybe it would be taken more seriously.

I have experience with pvp system exactly you are talking about. It became dead in less then 1,5 year even when population at starting point was like 10 times more than GW2 have right now. If you want GW2 pvp to die, keep your idea.

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21 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:




An unhealthy population will only shrink. A healthy population, even a small one, will grow.

Yes agreed. 

But the game also need a way to incentivize new players to join the scene, and for that they need to understand the game mechanics and learn to want to get better. 


That should happen organically and for that the players need to be rewarded for playing better. As such some rewards for getting the achievements "top something" should be good enough, as bots rarely are able to get those. 


We have the example of artifically increasing the population in WvW with the weekly events, yes they bring new players to the game mode, but less every time and they stat for shorter time. This week i haven't noticed and increased population at all, just a replacement of the veterans for the new players making the fights very boring and unrewarding. 



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1 minute ago, anduriell.6280 said:

Yes agreed. 

But the game also need a way to incentivize new players to join the scene, and for that they need to understand the game mechanics and learn to want to get better. 


That should happen organically and for that the players need to be rewarded for playing better. As such some rewards for getting the achievements "top something" should be good enough, as bots rarely are able to get those. 




Increase the amount of Tomes Of Knowledge that drop from spvp tracks.


Increase the amount of Testimony Of Heroics that drop from spvp tracks.


I'd bet money that we'd see the amount of new players in pvp double at the least.

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1 minute ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

I'd bet money that we'd see the amount of new players in pvp double at the least.

Thomes and Testimonies only benefit "Only play PvP" players. You need to lure the PvE players to come to PvP and reward them to do  better, not only for spending more hours. 



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Here an idea:


-merge ranked and unranked 

-give 1-5 conquest ranked and an every week (or 2) changing second mode like 1vs1,2vs2,3vs3,stronghold, courtyard, whatever with a second leaderbord 

-hide mmr, make it only visible when you reach top250

-give players still badges and don't let them loose, most casual players are happy to gain gold or Plat and getting afraid to loose that, no one would complain and it would fill the matchmaker AAAAND people would get an happy surprise when they reach a new badge. 

-let only top 10 or top25 be legendary, bound it to the leaderbord, instead of the rating, so we will not have seasons with 150 legendarys but also not seasons where non is legendary. Getting out of top whatever will make you loose the legendary badge. 


What will bring this? We have a big diversity in gamemodes, way less carring of ranked and the included toxicity 

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20 hours ago, Luclinraider.2317 said:

2.) Remove all gold rewards from SPvP.


-This mode has no use for gold to begin with, you chose your stats, rune, sigil's and weapon set which costs a few copper, and you're good to go. However, the fact that it gives gold rewards for playing has made it prime time for bot's. If you remove all gold rewards from SPvP, there would be no point in botting and they would vanish.


Those saying they want to make gold but only like to PvP......what do you want gold for. If you truly ONLY SPvP, then gold is worthless to you. If you do some PvE or WvW, then you'll get your gold there.

Have to remember that PvP is only a small part of a bigger game. A severely neglected, and also somewhat hidden small part of a bigger game.


The gold rewards help people who invest time into other areas of the game, and they're absolutely fine for the most part.


Pips and reward chests are a little dumb, i'll give you that. 

Could be edited to only be awarded for Ranked wins rather than as a participation award, and with more rewards at that.

They could also exist in Unranked as they are now, with reduced rewards.


20 hours ago, Luclinraider.2317 said:


4.) Downed state along with Rally has no place in SPvP.


-The most controversial one on the list...I know. There are plenty of people who love downed state and claim it's unique to GW2 and keeps from burst builds dominating. However, downed state is the most mentioned reason for SPvP being considered uncompetitive by almost all sources. From streamers, to Youtuber's and even from their own E-sports players back in the day. They flat out said downed state shouldn't be in PvP. In most PvP games, tanky builds can be annoying to bring down, however, you mix it with GW2 only having one PvP mode of control the circle....and add in what is virtually a second life bar with downed state, and tanks take over PvP. Even today...the current meta is tanky brawler meta. You can even find videos of the old competitive teams playing with 2 enemy Guardians standing on a point to keep it Grey, fighting for about 5 minutes, and then just standing there and sitting on the point together for over 15 minutes because they were too tanky to die. That's never a good look in a competitive e-sport game with two players sitting down with each other not fighting..... This mixed with the randomness of Rally...rezzing 3 teammates by killing one enemy....downed state needs to go.

Downed state is fine. It just feels wack now because there's a massive power dip and everything does reduced damage.


Previously if someone went down, you'd panic because a rez was a very risky play. Before 2/25/2020, i'd say I died about 4/5 times that I got downed.

After 2/25/2020, i'd say its more like 2/5 times. 


People are less threatened while rezzing, and if they do get the rez off, there's less of a chance of the revived person just instantly going down again. All that combines to just feel super annoying, and it is. The problem isn't with Downed State though, its the lack of damage.


Anyway, I don't think any of these changes sound particularly game-saving. More like small QoL changes.

The Feb 25th nerfpocalypse was the worst thing to happen to PvP ever. Period. 

Undo that if you want to save PvP.


EoD will probably save PvP for a time until all the new specs meet the same fate as the old and it all ends up feeling super dull to play.

Something more permanent would be steering away from the 'nerf this' mentality after EoD, and using the new, and presumably overpowered elite specs as a base for adding to existing specs, and tweaking them up or down as needed. Instead of just down, down, down, remove, remove, remove.


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16 hours ago, Spellhunter.9675 said:



It's so funny when people came with stupid ideas and can't stood any disagreement.

WvW is solo q.


SPVP should 100% be teams only.


Good, if it kills pvp(i doubt)...then that will be the end and they can focus on two mode...but since GW1 did so well with multiple team rec competitive modes, and Gw2 has team req PVE modes...


I think we will survive.

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24 minutes ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

Have to remember that PvP is only a small part of a bigger game. A severely neglected, and also somewhat hidden small part of a bigger game.




Not that much bigger.

This game is an ant in the face of ESO and WoW now.


Tick TOCK.....New World comes out this year...


if it's all pve....sad days ahead for lovers of GW2

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39 minutes ago, Crab Fear.1624 said:

Not that much bigger.

This game is an ant in the face of ESO and WoW now.


Tick TOCK.....New World comes out this year...


if it's all pve....sad days ahead for lovers of GW2

I don't know anyone who's enjoyed new world.


Myself and several buddies I play with have been playing the alpha and none of us plan on playing at launch unless some major changes happen.

It's a very small world and there's very little depths to the combat.

Mix that with the boosts in the cash shop and I don't know anyone still planning on playing.

It would be a nice options if it turns out good tho.

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1 hour ago, razaelll.8324 said:

only FF14 is competing with WoW in terms of population.

ESO is far behind them and much closer to GW2 interms of population according to some estimations 

So, I can find a site immediately that disagrees with your pitch, and its a common theme.




The article was updated Jan, 2021.


Looking at revenue might show which is healthier, but ESO has a steady stream of DLC and expansions, also their pop is split into different platforms as well.



11 hours ago, Luclinraider.2317 said:

I don't know anyone who's enjoyed new world.


Myself and several buddies I play with have been playing the alpha and none of us plan on playing at launch unless some major changes happen.

It's a very small world and there's very little depths to the combat.

Mix that with the boosts in the cash shop and I don't know anyone still planning on playing.

It would be a nice options if it turns out good tho.


They have no boosts. And the world isn't so small. 


If anything it's just like GW2 in terms of store, not a p2w shop.




We'll have to see how it performs, but I got a good feeling considering it's not just an Eastern port, and Amazon is willing to adapt, given their performance history.

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29 minutes ago, Crab Fear.1624 said:

So, I can find a site immediately that disagrees with your pitch, and its a common theme.




The article was updated Jan, 2021.


Looking at revenue might show which is healthier, but ESO has a steady stream of DLC and expansions, also their pop is split into different platforms as well.




They have no boosts. And the world isn't so small. 


If anything it's just like GW2 in terms of store, not a p2w shop.




We'll have to see how it performs, but I got a good feeling considering it's not just an Eastern port, and Amazon is willing to adapt, given their performance history.

And i can give you one which my pitch is based on





But since this games does not publish any official numbers this are only speculations


WoW had 7 million players during the lunch of shadowlands and i was one of them since then its steady declining so the link which you provided is outdated.


ESO was never even close in terms of population to WOW and was aways close with gw2. Currently ESO has increase of population because of new expansion you can check the charts in the link i gave you.


Same population increase will happend with gw2 when new expansion come

Edited by razaelll.8324
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Hi, lemme show you something:


On the screen you can see estimated account number, active players and activity score. Before I start Id like to state two things - first, WoW and WoW Classic should be seen as the same game, also the activity score on WoW retail is so low because of how Blizzard handle Shadowlands. New patch coming in a week so it should change, how much idk, but will change for sure (also the first MMO so amount of created accounts is enormous). 

So, what we can see when it comes to gw2? ~0.5M players, while there are ~14M accounts. Its about 3,5%  of the playerbase that is still playing. On average of top MMOs its ~2M players and lets say ~28M accounts (counting WoW Classic instead of retail cuz this game has like 17 years, cmon). That makes 7% of players that stayed in the game during the years, double the previous number. And its the same story with other MMOs, not only the top. As you can see, GW2 is the game with the biggest amount of players that left the game and never returned (thats what those "Activity scores" on the right mean btw, im just making sure ppl understand).

On the list of top 10, gw2 has lowest number except for Destiny. You can spend your whole day jerking off to how good combat system this game has or how family friendly community and interesting story (xD), but numbers are numbers. And GW2 aint becoming any younger, I highly doubt EoD will make it anyhow better, even by 1 in activity score.

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