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Love the Charr race but some suggestions If I dare

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Like the title states I love how the Charr race in GW2. The lore, how they look, across the board one of the most coolest and interesting races that I seen in MMOs in along time. But there a couple things that kinda annoy me somewhat.


The walk/run on all fours animation cycle gets abit old and I think it be super cool if there was a toggle between the standard walking/running. I know its probs a really random thing I am interested to see what others think about this or wherever this could ever be worked as a feature.


One other thing is there's a whole bunch of animations that really bug out with Charr from using environmental weapon then the glider it seems the hands lock up and looks really odd. I guess this could be just the game as is but I swear there seems to be more animation oddness with the Charr due to how unique there animation set is. I do wonder if this is something the devs would ever look at and while I know its a pretty minor thing to see to me it really affects the game flow. Seeing an animation just break is always very off putting.


I also feel for the most part a large amount of the armor/skins ingame are super bulky on Charr. Which maybe is intend but I would like to see lighter armor/skins sets altho its quite possible I have miss some of these armor/skin sets this is kinda more of a question if others have found this to be the case.


Either way Charr is a super cool race these are just some things that kinda annoy me as a super long time Charr player. But its not like any of this will stop me from playing again very much just wonder if others feel the same and wherever this is something can could be improved overtime.

Edited by ZXCV.4296
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I'm with you 100% on this topic.  You want a cool man mountain of a warrior then Charr's your man, but the animation and what seems to be low texture outfits are a massive put-off.

I have tried adding a Charr to my camp on many occasions but always end up deleting them for the above reasons.  It's a shame because the Charr's personal story in my book is the best.

We are not alone here I have heard many a content creator whisper the same. 

Yeah the Charr's animation pretty much sucks.

Edited by Follyfoot.2803
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I've got 2 Charr... and while I don't personally mind the natural running animation most of the time... it is a real pain when doing any sort of jumping puzzle because the animation offsets your perspective and makes you think you are furthar forwards than you actually are, causing you to either jump too soon and fall short or turn at the wrong moment and walk off an edge... precision movement is hard enough with the bulky character model, but the animation just makes it that much worse...


For me personally though, my biggest gripe is just how awful most armors look on the Charr... even most of their racial heritage armors look awful on them... between the badly stretched textures, oversized accessories and shoulders, and the sheer awkwarness of the model itself... several armors on charr honestly look like they were a last second afterthought like the devs made the armor for humans adjusted to fit the norn and sylvari with no trouble, made a few tweeks for asura, and then remembered "Oh right, the Charr..." and put in 30 seconds of work and called it good... For example, the way they just clip the model and texture for any gloves just before the Charr's claws, it's rather abrupt and doesn't look natural... a little bit of extra effort to create a proper edge to those tipless gloves would be nice... and they arn't even remotely consistent with their lines for that cut either, from one pair of gloves to the next it is all over the place and it looks far worse on some than it does on others because of that...


And I'm sure at this point I might sound like a broken record for any who remember my older posts from a few years back.... Can we please get some more feminine outfits on female Charr for crying out loud! I get it and understand that Charr society doesn't make any major distinguished between male and female, and that their minimal dimorphism gives them fairly similar body shapes as is... but that doesn't mean that all outfits and armor must be masculine... there are quite a few armors that the female versions would look amazing on charr if they could wear the female version... and there are a few armors where they quite honestly SHOULD have used the female version on females because the male version is rather inappropriate (I'm looking at you bare-chested armors)... besides the female versions of those same armors look awesome and more baddass than the male version... (Examples: Scallywag, Barbaric, Gladiator, and Pitfighter... The female versions of those armors are absolutely amazing, while the male versions are both inappropriate on a female and rather meh...)

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Toggle is a good idea. I love the running on all fours animation though more than anything so don't you dare take it away from me 😠


I wish they'd do a pass on armours that clip and look weird on charr etc. The one that urks me the most are the goggles from the beetle racing. if you get the non helmet versions they just have a huge gap as they kind of sit above the nose and don't go back to the eyes and looks terrible, same for the racing scarf just kind of hovering on the charr model with a clear gap. Another one is the cultural armour the wrangler set, you can't wear any gloves with it really as the arms just hide 90% of whatever gloves you use plus any backpack you have clings to the hood leaving a gap underneath. This last one makes no sense as it's cultural armour and designed for the charr yet has so many issues.

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I agree that the ability disable the four-leg-running animation is a good idea. When you run like this it seems like you take some much area from back to front, just kind of awkward.


I am so glad to see the charr love, this is definitely a super cool race especially for GW1 players. I just wish the females were designed a bit better. But still I have 4 charrs atm and love them 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 7/7/2021 at 10:37 AM, Shinjiko.1352 said:

I wish they'd do a pass on armours that clip and look weird on charr etc. The one that urks me the most are the goggles from the beetle racing. if you get the non helmet versions they just have a huge gap as they kind of sit above the nose and don't go back to the eyes and looks terrible, same for the racing scarf just kind of hovering on the charr model with a clear gap. Another one is the cultural armour the wrangler set, you can't wear any gloves with it really as the arms just hide 90% of whatever gloves you use plus any backpack you have clings to the hood leaving a gap underneath. This last one makes no sense as it's cultural armour and designed for the charr yet has so many issues.

If you play a female Charr then nearly every piece of headgear that has eyeholes or goggles fails to line up with your eyes at all... most float above your face like you mentioned with goggles from the beetle racing... and I assume this is in part due to the fact that female Charr have such a big diversity in facial shapes... where the top of one's muzzle may be is an inch above/below where the top of the next is...

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20 hours ago, blp.3489 said:

How is the bare chested armor inappropriate for female char?  Feline chests don't have anything to hide...

Would you say the same thing about a human woman who happens to have a completely flat chest wearing the same thing?


If you take the armor off a female Charr, they wear a chest covering that just so happens to cover the very same area where one might expect to find breasts, and the exact same spot that is covered when unarmored is fully exposed with those very same armors. If it was deemed necessary to cover that portion of the chest unarmored, then it should be deemed necessary to cover it when armored as well

Edited by Panda.1967
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21 hours ago, Panda.1967 said:

If you play a female Charr then nearly every piece of headgear that has eyeholes or goggles fails to line up with your eyes at all... most float above your face like you mentioned with goggles from the beetle racing... and I assume this is in part due to the fact that female Charr have such a big diversity in facial shapes... where the top of one's muzzle may be is an inch above/below where the top of the next is...

This is true, even cultural armor does it.


T3 light armor hurts me.


And, movement would need to be a toggle. I prefer the 4 legged run and only doing it when i had a speed boost would..probably slowly have me stop playing my charr. That run is part of what makes them awesome.

Edited by Dante.1763
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I liked the Charr from the get go because they run on all fours. If anything, it's the various NPCs running around the Black Citadel on two that look odd (Like they are tiptoeing )

As for everything else, clipping, overly bulky armor, getting your horns sawed off by various helmets, gear not sitting right on the model ( looking at you female charr ) it's all on the eternal wishlist dating back to 2012. We were told then that not enough people play Charr to justify the time and resource allocation to fix all these issues. ( which is causing "not enough people to play Charr" in the first place )  ... and then people ask for playable Tengus like they won't have the same fate.

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On 7/31/2021 at 4:37 PM, decease.3215 said:

Would be nice if charr run on all four count as mount... So another player can mount them for fast travel

Considering my warrior has spikes on his back I mean, you WOULD stay in place. Not sure you'd survive the ride. 😉

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