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What if we get a Cantha preview map this year

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I was a bit sad when learned that the expansion won’t come out till early next year, I know they need more time to get it perfect but still hope we get to go to Cantha sooner. 

Then I start to think it would be nice to have a small map of Cantha before the expansion drop, something like a prologue map at the edge/small neighbour island of Shing Jea islands. Where we can experience some Canthan landscapes and creatures. 

This can be similar to the prologue of IBS or even the first part of the Strike mission at the icy pass way.


also, this would be great if we are really getting Tengu as a playable race, then we can spend time here to level up and wait till the expansion drop.


if we get content like this in late fall the wait won’t feel that long, I hope something like this would happen 🙂


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44 minutes ago, Dark Red Killian.3946 said:

If they do Beta runs this year you could see Cantha sooner…

Likely. We had elite specs+mount+crystal oasis beta with PoF. Depending on what features they're releasing, (imo tengu playable) we'll probably see at least a small portion of a zone. But if they are releasing tengu they may do all the play testing in the starter zone on a higher level or something. 


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