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Legendary armory achievements

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"So Commander, you have now crafted an item of immense shininess . But you do not know the history of what you wield! Now go out there and explore the world to find the backstory of your precious shiny. "


Adding lore to the armory is great, but I think it would be better if it is done as an achievement. Explore the libraries, dungeons, etc to find the backstory of the crafted legendary and fill up the lore section of the armory.

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I don't disagree with you, that would be a nice addition, but I think it unlikely to happen.

Historically they tried to add extra story to legendary weapons with Gen 2 , but gave up after the first four because it took too long to develop each one.

Maybe a stripped down simpler version could work.

Even a way to see the extra fluff text they added for each legendary with the latest update at any time would be nice, rather than a blink-and-you-miss-it once off event as it seems to be currently. (Or if you have multiple legendaries on the same account, not see at all as you get a generic catch-all message)

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