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I really hope ANet continues to bring back Living Story Season 1 content

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I really hope that the Marionette wasn't just a one-off sort of thing.


I played at launch but had to miss most of season 1 due to life circumstances and I really appreciated being able to experience the content.


Hopefully they will continue to bring it back even after EOD releases.  I would really like to experience Clockwork Chaos, the Escape from Lion's Arch, and the Battle for Lion's Arch.  It would do so much to fill in the gaps in the story between the Zhaitan storyline and season 2.

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Me too.


I hope the fragments they've brought back so far (the Marrionette fight and the random instances we got during Visions of the Past) were made as a kind of 'proof of concept' to show it can be done, work out what the issues might be and how best to make it available to players and now it seems to be working they might look at expanding it to bring back more of the previous releases, even whole episodes.

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