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Landing Rush and leaps


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I'm trying to learn to duel, playing power spellbreaker in WvW. I'm having difficulty landing Rush (GS 5) and the dagger leaps (dagger 2, dagger burst):


* Rush will often run in the opposite direction, when I rush a target that is close to me. I'm not sure what "close to me" really is, I've had this occur at probably 200 range or so, often enough.

* Rush will sometimes run past a target that evaded the rush. Usually Rush stops when my target evaded, sometimes however it just runs past that spot (for a while). This seems to happen a lot if the target was CCed and broke/recovered from CC before evading.

* Dagger 2 and dagger burst sometimes track very well, other times don't track well at all. My target would definitely be in range and running away from me, and it seems up to the whims of the game whether I'll hit or not. My target is not evading when this occurs.


What am I not understanding on how to use those skills? Am I supposed to land them only on CCed targets (or targets recovering from CCs)?


Or is this just lag and I can do nothing about it (I've had cases where players would blink around lagging and its like the game just gives up on functioning overall)?

Edited by Hotride.2187
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Movement skills like these tend to bug out and go the wrong direction. It has nothing to do with you. There is a tendency in certain areas for this to happen, like stairs or South Camp in Alpine, and is entirely game geometry dependent.


Try this: untarget your opponent, use the skill, and as you come close to where the opponent is retarget them. Most leaps are really small channels, and will follow whichever your active target is. Whenever I do not have a target selected, these skills always go in the direction my warrior is facing rather than bugging out, and when I retarget they hit without bugging.

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What Lan said plus server latency. The info on skills needs to be processed. So until that happens, the client may have already moved away from a position. 


This results in 1 guys using Bull's charge to hit another and missing the skill entirely, without the enemy even dodging. Same happens with ranged weapons too and why you may get 'missed' messages despite being in range, not blinded and the enemy not evading. I digress though. 


The second thing is, don't expect pre-dagger weapons to be easy to land. Sword 2 and GS 5 have a 2012 tendency to be very bad at landing despite the QoL they may have received over the years. 


For tips, I'd say first things first, make sure you got good connection. Then try to use about face to know when to utilize your gap closers for creating distance or getting close. And as Lan also said, try to use the skills (if you want to land them) within their range threshold. Not barely into it. More chance to bug out and not land them. Superspeed on enemies also allows to dodge rush 5 without dodging. Just happened with me and a scrapper. 

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