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PvP Ranked Season ending , clarification ?


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So i'm looking for someone to help me understand when does the new mini-season actually going to kick in ? I thought last night after midnight but I logged in 2 mins ago and I'm still at my "Byzantium" chest even though it says on the ranked que tab that the "season has ended". 


Do we still have some time left today to grind on it or when will it change/reset to the new season ? 



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6 hours ago, offence.4726 said:

Do we still have some time left today to grind on it or when will it change/reset to the new season ? 

No, everything related to this season is shut down.

For the next 2 weeks there will be an off-season with (I think) 3v3 game mode as ranked option. Rewards will be reset for off-season specific rewards and again reset for the next proper conquest season. Which will start in 2 weeks from now, don't know the exact date, 3. August I guess.

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It's random, we had a season it started immediately, there was this time it took a week, it usually pops next 12 to 24 hours after conquest seasom ends


Time to grap my scourge smash all buttons and save only the projectile block for lich and shade fear for ress/stomp

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