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Dive Master Achievement

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Jul 17, 2021, 19:42 PDT

I currently have like 900 rusted ornate keys in my bank and inventory. To use them, i need to complete the dive master achievement. After i complete the quest, the sunken chests i need to re-open remain unavailable to open. I have left a different character at each of the chests. If i log out of the game and come back in, the characters still are unable to open them. The only work around that i have is to leave the map and come back into the map for the chests to become available to open again. This seems extremely tedious to do. That would involve loading the game 900 times and running to the chest if on one character (extra time and gold currency investment), or 1800 load screens if i attempt to use multiple characters. It is an extensive investment of time to open a chest. Is there any plans to improve this issue in the future?
I would much prefer to use the keys and not waste a week of my life trying to use them.

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I think OP may have confused two different achievements.

Ornate Rusted Keys are used on Sunken Chests and advance the repeatable Master Diver achievement.  You start the process by talking to Dive Master Astora in Lion's Arch:  https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ornate_Rusted_Key

Dive Master is a different achievement involving use of Diving Goggles found throughout Tyria.

I'm not sure how many people have the same issue as OP in regards to having so many of the keys however.   The swim speed infusions are nice, but not something I'd want to keep doing just to get.


Edited by Meow Ren.5382
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2 hours ago, MrBean.6475 said:


Jul 17, 2021, 19:42 PDT

I currently have like 900 rusted ornate keys in my bank and inventory. To use them, i need to complete the dive master achievement. After i complete the quest, the sunken chests i need to re-open remain unavailable to open. [...]




I always do a full run each time I have a stack of 10 keys ready, so I've never run into this problem myself.


Edited by Ashantara.8731
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No its not a matter of missing chests. Its that i need to leave the map to reset the chest. I can completely log out of game and enter back in and chest still not be available. I have completed dive achievement enough times to figure it out.

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