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Well GW2 has ruined me ☹

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17 hours ago, Perisemiotics.4579 said:

...For those critiquing FFXIV for slow combat, no voiceovers, etc., please play at least the core game to the end, and possibly the first expansion too (which is, now, also free) - combat picks up nicely and voiceovers are added past the first part of the game. Play the full game before comparing, guys.


I'm not saying that FFXIV is bad; clearly it' good if so many people are playing monthly to access it. I was just simply using s an example of things I just can't get past anymore. The voice-over thing for me has been an issue for years, and not just on mmos. Having to play the core game and possibly the first expansion before I reach the level of play-ability/enjoyment I want, sounds too much like a job as oppose to the hobby that it's meant to be. Some people wouldn't mind it, I just personally cannot invest that time and energy into, specially since guild wars 2 has it from the get-go.

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6 hours ago, Follyfoot.2803 said:

On a side note, have you seen the trailer for EOD?  What is that, what are they showing us?  Are those world of Warcraft graphics part of it or just art?

The trailer is the mixture of the painterly and 3d art style that they have been using since the beginning of the game, however they are not using in game 3d models so it looks off. The same thing happened in the launch trailer for HoT. They probably had the trailer outsourced, hence the inconsistency.

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2 hours ago, SkinnyT.5382 said:

The trailer is the mixture of the painterly and 3d art style that they have been using since the beginning of the game, however they are not using in game 3d models so it looks off. The same thing happened in the launch trailer for HoT. They probably had the trailer outsourced, hence the inconsistency.

I have to say that trailer is not going to do the game any favours.  It's a mess.

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Its odd too the core game feels like it was made by a different group of ppl then the group we having updating it. Like the game devs. had a massive turn over just as the game came out. So now we just have a group that keeps trying to reinvent the game every update with out building on to the old content or updates. A very do one thing and forget they ever did it. This is very true for the current balancing of the game 300 sec cd low dmg hard cc with out updates to cd and boon types on aggressive / def skill.


Anet updated the game and forgot they updated the game by the next time they do another update.

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On 7/23/2021 at 6:06 AM, Touchme.1097 said:

Pretty much the reason why I don't want to come back to WoW or even try out FF14. The combat is slow there.

GW2 requires skills, even for flying with a mount. 

There is no match.

This game is going to be number 1 MMO for a while after EoD is released, it's just a matter of time, other players from other MMO will migrate here and the new GW2 assembled team looks promising.

Please give me the stuff you are smoking 😂

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13 hours ago, SkinnyT.5382 said:


I'm not saying that FFXIV is bad; clearly it' good if so many people are playing monthly to access it. I was just simply using s an example of things I just can't get past anymore. The voice-over thing for me has been an issue for years, and not just on mmos. Having to play the core game and possibly the first expansion before I reach the level of play-ability/enjoyment I want, sounds too much like a job as oppose to the hobby that it's meant to be. Some people wouldn't mind it, I just personally cannot invest that time and energy into, specially since guild wars 2 has it from the get-go.

You do understand that voice acting is super expensive especially in Japan. FFXIV story is size of a book while GW2 story fits on few pages of fanfic. 


I do agree however that more needs to be done for ARR. But I guess they calculate that enough people sub and go trough it to fix the issue 😔

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They both have their advantages. I will freely admit, I modded my FFXIV with the graphics overhauls to improve it, and it becomes a hell of a lot sharper. But in no way does it compare visually to the ambience or Auric Basin, Dragonfall's forest or flame areas, Grothmar valley, or a dozen other, fully developed multi level maps. 

What killed me in this lead up to Endwalker was Bozja. Running around that desolate, nothing map. For the ugliest of weapons compared to previous relics. Gross. 

I feel FFXIV really comes together with raids, and trials. I adore a lot of the classes and at end game, the slower GCD doesn't really weigh on my mind as you're frantically trying to react or predict what's going to come next. 

What I don't like is the entire housing system. I am from Tonberry, and I fought tooth and nail to get a shirogane waterfront house, and felt compelled to keep up sub to retain. But charging me in Euro's when my currency is AUD and they're a JPN company irked me. 

I love GW2. It's WvW is the closest to old ESO Cyrodiil, which I think is the gold standard. The only thing I don't understand is the universal love for Guardian. I do not care for Dungeons here though. There are other games that do it better. 

uhhh, that was rambling. haha, pardon me. 

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55 minutes ago, Zavijah.2695 said:

It's WvW is the closest to old ESO Cyrodiil, which I think is the gold standard.

"Old ESO Cyrodiil" uh what? GW2 was around long before ESO which probably took as much inspiration from GW2 as it did from Warhammer, the "source" for both WvW-esque modes. Cyrodiil was promising but an absolute broken and unplayable pile of garbage on release with an even more garbage attitude from their devs which is probably one of the reasons GW2 and WvW is still kicking today.

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It's kind of lame how raids are like some minigame nowadays. Fights happening some small fortune wheel or food circle that floats in space. You should ride in raid enterance and fight against other guilds to get in. There should be trash packs that are hard as bosses and so on.

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On 7/25/2021 at 12:23 AM, Jin.8501 said:

Please give me the stuff you are smoking 😂

FfXIV has the dullest combat in the world. Maybe it gets better at the "end game" but its boring and slow at lower levels, and why game devs do that i dont know. If you havent grabbed me by 15 hours+ i aint sticking around.

3 hours ago, Junkpile.7439 said:

It's kind of lame how raids are like some minigame nowadays. Fights happening some small fortune wheel or food circle that floats in space. You should ride in raid enterance and fight against other guilds to get in. There should be trash packs that are hard as bosses and so on.

Thank goodness they arent like you say. Open world pvp is something ive never enjoyed in mmos. On top of that They already have the smallest population of players in the game.

2 hours ago, Follyfoot.2803 said:

Just a friendly warning guys.  Talking about other games will get you a strike.

Probably depends on your wording, ive yet to get a strike/warning for discussing other games.

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50 minutes ago, Dante.1763 said:

FfXIV has the dullest combat in the world. Maybe it gets better at the "end game" but its boring and slow at lower levels, and why game devs do that i dont know. If you havent grabbed me by 15 hours+ i aint sticking around.


Good LORD is this the truth. People joke about 11111 in GW2, but they probably didn't try FFXIV. Tried FFXIV with my friends for about 16 hours over the weekend, and we didn't even get past level 20 because we were trying to get into an interesting class, but they are all variants of 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1... Or god forbid it's Pugilists strict 1 2 3, 1 2 3, 1 2 3, 1 2 3, 1 2 3... Feel like I am marching UP AND DOWN THE SQUARE. And all this is WITHOUT the importance of positioning that GW2 emphasizes the hell out of. Projectiles don't pierce normally so ranged combat actually requires you to move around obstacles and other monsters, while in FFXIV it's no worry. The early game made me feel like an old man playing the game because I risked falling asleep more than once while auto-running from A to B, as the combat did nothing to fuel my investment.


Game is good though... And I KNOW it gets better, I've seen the footage! So I'll stick out the early game. *crai*


Besides it offers the classic role system that GW2 doesn't. I've decided to play the two games for different reasons.

Edited by TwiceDead.1963
Just tidbits
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you think so? because i gave up on gw2 recently, no matter.

i don't have faith anymore towards any game without sub fee.


combat is the only thing that gw2 has, that's it..after some time you will get tired because they don't even have the funding to properly balance it. fun from combat will only last for so long when nothing is balanced


GW2 simply doesn't have the funding for anything fun at all and has to hard milk cash shop to even stay alive, which breaks it's only end game "fashion" and unlike FF WOW, they have gear progression and fashion. gw2 only has fashion.


GW2 started stronger then FF, yet years later FF is standing on top and GW2 is no where to be found, even FF producer says that sub fee is so much better for MMO progression then one time purchase.


GW2 barely has any funding to do anything, reused events year after year with no change.

no funding to rework outdated classes, rushed story with huge lore mistakes and badly made boss fights and legendaries just braindead farming mat and achievement instead of defeating the epicly crafted tough boss fight.



before i also thought i can't give up the combat, but not anymore, combat isnt everything and it only lasts for so long until you realize what you are really missing.

i can make up with lesser combat system of FF14, because the content is so much more fun, the music is god tier, the boss fight is insane, the dev actually communicate and care, and tons of feature. 

Edited by Lighter.5631
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Funny you say that about subscription vs cash shop, when both Final Fantasy and WoW have a cash shop on top of all the other forced paid aspects, so this whole "we need a sub fee to avoid milking the players" is a big pile of kitten.

Yeah i know, "it's mostly cosmetics", but isn't the friggin sub fee there so ALL items can be earned in-game?? Cause if i have to buy the game, buy each expansion, and then pay a monthly fee on top of all that i expect everything to be earned in-game.

There was a time when the monthly fee argument made sense, not anymore.

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3 hours ago, Brandon Uzumaki.1524 said:

Funny you say that about subscription vs cash shop, when both Final Fantasy and WoW have a cash shop on top of all the other forced paid aspects, so this whole "we need a sub fee to avoid milking the players" is a big pile of kitten.

Yeah i know, "it's mostly cosmetics", but isn't the friggin sub fee there so ALL items can be earned in-game?? Cause if i have to buy the game, buy each expansion, and then pay a monthly fee on top of all that i expect everything to be earned in-game.

There was a time when the monthly fee argument made sense, not anymore.

It's because of the way business works. Investors want 10% YoY ROI. a sub is a static amount of money and will not satisfy them, so they have to come up with new forms of monetization once market cap is reached. And so basically what keeps happening in gaming is gamers get tired, they move to another game, that game is fine for as long as it hasn't reached market cap, it does, then the new company that's popular becomes the bad guy and the cycle repeats infinitely.

Really I should be playing games that are exclusively released by private companies, because they don't have to answer to anyone and can avoid this monetization nightmare altogether.

But your argument about subs is completely true. It's an amount of money that will eventually be taken for granted.

Edited by Firebeard.1746
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19 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

"Old ESO Cyrodiil" uh what? GW2 was around long before ESO which probably took as much inspiration from GW2 as it did from Warhammer, the "source" for both WvW-esque modes. Cyrodiil was promising but an absolute broken and unplayable pile of garbage on release with an even more garbage attitude from their devs which is probably one of the reasons GW2 and WvW is still kicking today.

You misunderstood the statement, and looking for a fight where there isn't one.

Think about current Cyrodiil, versus how it was in previous years as a comparison against itself. 

This has Nothing to do with which game came out with three-way Throne War type map. It is a statement that reflects two things. 1) Cyrodiil was more fun previously than it is currently 2) GW2 WvW is currently more fun out of the two offerings. 

I am not even talking about launch as most games at launch are not reflective of their potential. I am not even commenting on dev attitude.


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I'm the same way, @Zuldari.3940. No matter what else I play I always miss the huge QoL that GW2 comes with as a baseline.


I rather recently gave up on GW2 until the legendary armory came out, and it was essentially just as ANet promised with no stupid shenanigans holding it back. My legendaries suddenly gained a ton of value, with the only downside being that strange guilty feeling I got salvaging all those ascendeds I didn't need anymore. It gave me a reason to really revisit a lot of my lesser-used characters, try buildcraft on a lot of classes that I previously didn't feel were worth the ascended mystic forge stat swap, and basically reconnect with the game on its stronger levels.


Initially I thought it was a shame that FF14 was seeing a surge of interest, with a lot of the recent praise for it overlapping with things that GW2 has been quietly doing (better) for years. That said, perhaps it's better for GW2 to remain in the underdog slot - I'm not sure the game is truly ready for the kind of attention FF is getting right now. There are lot of things that need work, and some things that we take for granted that new players might need more guidance on.

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20 hours ago, Dante.1763 said:

Probably depends on your wording, ive yet to get a strike/warning for discussing other games.

They dont seem to infract on the new forums, they just delete your posts with no notification. But I havent really seen them infract on the old either for talking about games in context of GW2.

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19 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

They dont seem to infract on the new forums, they just delete your posts with no notification. But I havent really seen them infract on the old either for talking about games in context of GW2.

I am one of the games critics so I get preferential treatment.  If I so much as mention any other mmo I will be awarded a strike before you can say FFXIV.

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2 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

They dont seem to infract on the new forums, they just delete your posts with no notification. But I havent really seen them infract on the old either for talking about games in context of GW2.

Ive noticed that honestly. Lots of poofed threads.


2 hours ago, Follyfoot.2803 said:

I am one of the games critics so I get preferential treatment.  If I so much as mention any other mmo I will be awarded a strike before you can say FFXIV.

Me too! It depends on your wording though. A well thought out criticism seems to do fine. One that insults the devs directly, does not.

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3 hours ago, Dante.1763 said:

Ive noticed that honestly. Lots of poofed threads.


Me too! It depends on your wording though. A well thought out criticism seems to do fine. One that insults the devs directly, does not.

So I need to practise stealth insults? 😄

I do come on strong sometimes though.  Maybe I should lighten up and criticise less heatedly.  

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18 hours ago, Firebeard.1746 said:

It's because of the way business works. Investors want 10% YoY ROI. a sub is a static amount of money and will not satisfy them, so they have to come up with new forms of monetization once market cap is reached. And so basically what keeps happening in gaming is gamers get tired, they move to another game, that game is fine for as long as it hasn't reached market cap, it does, then the new company that's popular becomes the bad guy and the cycle repeats infinitely.

Really I should be playing games that are exclusively released by private companies, because they don't have to answer to anyone and can avoid this monetization nightmare altogether.

But your argument about subs is completely true. It's an amount of money that will eventually be taken for granted.


I'm not sure games released by private companies are necessarily any better. Until recently Elder Scrolls Online was owned by a private company (Zenimax Media) and they use the subscription + cash shop model. Admittedly its a bit different because the subscription is optional (although tied to several useful QoL features) and one of the things it gives you is a monthly allowance of cash shop currency, but I know a lot of people end up buying more in addition to that because they can't get everything they want with the subscription allowance.


Conversely Anet has been owned by NCSoft, which is a public company, since before GW1 was announced and GW1 had very little monetisation beyond selling campaigns and GW2 has no subscription.


6 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

They dont seem to infract on the new forums, they just delete your posts with no notification. But I havent really seen them infract on the old either for talking about games in context of GW2.


Yeah, I think the rule isn't so much 'you can't talk about other games' as 'the conversation must be about GW2'. This topic is a good example, there's many other MMOs being discussed but it's in the context of how they compare to GW2 and why we've all chosen to play this game as well or instead of those ones.


If I started a topic just to talk about Elder Scrolls Online's cash shop and whether the subscription gives you enough crowns or if subscribers still want to buy more it would be deleted for not being about GW2. But I'm confident this post won't be deleted even though I mentioned the same points above, because it was talking about GW2 and comparing MMO business models.

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