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disable Leaderbord Next Season!


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Make the Leaderboard and the Rating Points next season hidden, show them when the Season ends.
Make only the Badge visible, this could lower the chance of wintrading, since no one actualy knows where exactly they stand but gives players still a visual feedback where they could be

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7 hours ago, Avatar.3568 said:

Make the Leaderboard and the Rating Points next season hidden, show them when the Season ends.
Make only the Badge visible, this could lower the chance of wintrading, since no one actualy knows where exactly they stand but gives players still a visual feedback where they could be

I don't think it will change what people do to game the LB, they will just don't know where they are but when you are 30 wins to 2 losses it is kinda telling, Also the API shows it anyway. They can always guild queue as the same class on alts and trade wins on off hours with the low population.

The only time Arenanet managed to curb some of the shenanigans to some degree was with the no duo queue after plat or something and most people couldn't push over p2.  

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9 hours ago, Avatar.3568 said:

Make the Leaderboard and the Rating Points next season hidden, show them when the Season ends.
Make only the Badge visible, this could lower the chance of wintrading, since no one actualy knows where exactly they stand but gives players still a visual feedback where they could be


In general, I like the idea of hiding the leaderboard, but I would add the suggestion to do it only at the end, i.e. a week before the season ends (as an example). And make it visible again after the end of the season.


1 hour ago, Vancho.8750 said:

The only time Arenanet managed to curb some of the shenanigans to some degree was with the no duo queue after plat or something and most people couldn't push over p2.  


And that is exactly what I would propose to reintroduce, with the difference that the restriction (no duo from 1600 ...) occurs or is activated immediately before the end of the season. As suggested (see above, a week or so before).


I think that would be a good compromise, a bit more exhausting for the tryhards (no offence) or wintrader and worth a try to reduce the clown show in general (towards the end).

Edited by Metzie.3012
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After 1600 rating , if there are not other high lvl duos/full team , then the system will split your team .


Regardless of which side wins , your premade will get the  "Win" statues  with pitiful amount of Points (1-2) and the points  are increased in no-premade members , in any side get kills or tops stats


If the map last less than 9 min (afk) , none premade member gets points


At a point  , the Leaderboard will be filled with duo/premades that normally enjoy their "free ride" and they will reorganised in premade vs premade   and they will loose rating


3x mathces ,where your team will split , will allow you gain 14 points .

1x  loss vs another  premade will force you to loose 14 points


Edit : also if 60% of the matches , their teamembers are split/play late at night , the title they get has a "Grey" color , otherwise if they face many other premades , they get the "Golden"



edit2: After 1600 starts anew leaderboard , where if you surpass it , allow you to join the "Mega-League"

Edited by Ryuk.6840
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