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Weakest expac trailer style wise so far?

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Really, i mean the hot and ibs trailers were timeless and looks so very smooth, this looks very underwhelming whenever there was a character moving and doing stuff.
I think anet dont need to go cg or w/e their own artistic aproach is really good already.

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59 minutes ago, zealex.9410 said:

Really, i mean the hot and ibs trailers were timeless and looks so very smooth, this looks very underwhelming whenever there was a character moving and doing stuff.
I think anet dont need to go cg or w/e their own artistic aproach is really good already.

The trailer was the least of how pathetic that reveal was.

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37 minutes ago, Farohna.6247 said:

It's a first look, not a full release trailer.  Like a snippet of a movie during a talk show.  I look forward to seeing more of the art and scenery though.

The pof and hot and ibs trailers all looked better tho.

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I thought it was.. ok, but not settled enough into the actual maps. The screenshots we had later in the stream did a better job at conveying what Cantha was like, the trailer may have been well animated, it didn't show much of anything.


Except for the next elder dragon. Kudos on representing him that way, clever.

Edited by Naxos.2503
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Coming from WoW to GW2, I thought all the trailers looked weak.  Replaying the living world seasons, building up to them, and rewatching actually gave me a better appreciation for the differences and less cinematic approach.  I think this one looks good, I just want to see more of it!  Which means they accomplished what they intended.

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The whole reveal was pretty weak imo.

People reading off prompts trying to feign enthusiasm, half the time not seeming like they had the slightest clue what to talk about.

Ruby lookin' like she about to cry probably anticipating the comments in twitch chat.

Idk. I didn't expect anything amazing, but I expected more than that. You say "tidal wave" of information and then reveal tidbits of features knowing full well it ain't getting any better than that and it's a bit disappointing.

Like, "look at the verticality of just the TWO maps we have." Okay, so how many maps we getting? We get a screenshot of echovald?

The only people that actually seemed excited during this livestream were the voice actors, and they were actors. I mean I'll get the expansion either way, but I'm definitely in no rush to pre-order. And the dragon boat and plain looking shield/cape/sword skin to entice me into upgrading. 

Idk. Not trying to hate, just nothing getting me hyped up like previous expansions.

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10 minutes ago, Redfeather.6401 said:

I have a feeling the new stuff performs pretty poorly and can't be shown off until dx11 is finialized. I'm talking about things like frame rate and stuttering and all that pushing dx9 past it's limits jazz.

Possibly but considering that they've pushed it back to Feb or even later means a lot of areas may not even be in a finished state yet, or at least finished programming-wise which usually takes a lot longer than asset work

You can show areas with really crap FPS and slap a "Work In Progress" watermark on it and people will understand

You can't really bandaid areas that aren't even done yet, though

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