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I miss the days when Anet was Smiter's Booning stuff


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Once upon a time there was a GW1 skill called Smiter's Boon, and it was so gamebreaking in PvP that Anet had to act quickly and reacted with a nerf so harsh people still meme about it today.

So what's good about that? Well, they cared. Something had a very negative impact on their game, so they didn't want to waste time and patched it out until a better solution's found, tho that day never came because of GW2.

Nowadays months go by before they lift a finger and it may do nothing, then we wait for 3 months, nope, bug fixes. Back to another 3, other stuff is now buffed to be even more broken and that's how the meta changes.

TL;DR I miss the time when Anet had a sense of duty towards their creation and playerbase. Small but frequent changes would go a long way, but that seems like a dream at this point.

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@NotASmurf.1725 said:Once upon a time there was a GW1 skill called Smiter's Boon, and it was so gamebreaking in PvP that Anet had to act quickly and reacted with a nerf so harsh people still meme about it today.

So what's good about that? Well, they cared. Something had a very negative impact on their game, so they didn't want to waste time and patched it out until a better solution's found, tho that day never came because of GW2.

Nowadays months go by before they lift a finger and it may do nothing, then we wait for 3 months, nope, bug fixes. Back to another 3, other stuff is now buffed to be even more broken and that's how the meta changes.

TL;DR I miss the time when Anet had a sense of duty towards their creation and playerbase. Small but frequent changes would go a long way, but that seems like a dream at this point.

Once you go big, you will start requiring money for investments...those money come from people who only care about...making more money: objective balance goes against the idea of ultra casual design made to attract as many people as possible to buy the product

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  1. Well fortunately, there are no major gamebreaking skills to worry about. So that point is moot. The situation with smiters boon has not yet existed in this game. So a moo point.
  2. Arena net does have a sense of duty. They are prioritizing the larger fanbase and most valuable. Most actions they have taken has reflected. Arena Net deserves to be out of business If they were prioritizing the needs of a infinitesimal fanbase (PvPer) with extremely polarizing demands and needs.
  3. With polarizing needs it is hard or impossible to please a very small and vocal base.

In any case, if you are trying to convince your fellow disgruntle PvPers you did a good job by invoking a very familiar balance connection. If you are trying to convince Arena Net to change, you did a shit job. It should be apparent that Arena Net's action has been to prioritize PvE content, which is why they decided to not wait until the PvP season played by <10000 people concluded.

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@silvermember.8941 said:

  1. Well fortunately, there are no major gamebreaking skills to worry about. So that point is moot. The situation with smiters boon has not yet existed in this game. So a moo point.
  2. Arena net does have a sense of duty. They are prioritizing the larger fanbase and most valuable. Most actions they have taken has reflected. Arena Net deserves to be out of business If they were prioritizing the needs of a infinitesimal fanbase (PvPer) with extremely polarizing demands and needs.
  3. With polarizing needs it is hard or impossible to please a very small and vocal base.

In any case, if you are trying to convince your fellow disgruntle PvPers you did a good job by invoking a very familiar balance connection. If you are trying to convince Arena Net to change, you did a kitten job. It should be apparent that Arena Net's action has been to prioritize PvE content, which is why they decided to not wait until the PvP season played by <10000 people concluded.

  1. Just to mention a few: Full Counter is a game breaking skill, so is everything about shades (instant cast high pressure AoEs that cover an entire point? i thought animations existed so we can dodge stuff instead of just cluttering my screen after they went off with no tells).
  2. Smiter's Boon was only nerfed in PvP. If anet decided to do something, let's say 12s CD full counter - PvP only - until they sort things out, how would that hurt PvE? We're talking about minutes of dev time here.

Who's talking about waiting out the season? Nobody. Is it too much to ask for minor changes a week or two after the release of an expansion? That's a normal thing in other games and here I get flamed for dreaming about it..

<10000 people? Where did you get that info? Because Anet's CEO not so long ago said 40% of the playerbase plays PvP - of course that's just his "opinion", clearly you know better - are you saying 10k is 40% of GW2's population? Even if that 40% can potentially play all areas, if something makes people not want to play PvP they stop playing it, resulting in lower playtimes and worse gemstore sales.

Stop polarizing this arguement with your "Anet can only ever develope one part of the game with 350 developers!" mindset. We paid for this game just like the PvE players and deserve our share of updates.

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@Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

@silvermember.8941 said:
  1. With polarizing needs it is hard or impossible to please a very small and vocal base.

This, exactly.

There are far more people casually playing open world than there are angrily slaughtering one another in conquest.
They also tend to purchase more gems because in pvp everything is given to you free.

I hate that they only take two shots at balancing the cancer in pvp a year, though.

Mention one item that PvP players get for free that PvE players have to buy with gems.This don't make any sense.

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@NotASmurf.1725 said:

@silvermember.8941 said:
  1. Well fortunately, there are no major gamebreaking skills to worry about. So that point is moot. The situation with smiters boon has not yet existed in this game. So a moo point.
  2. Arena net does have a sense of duty. They are prioritizing the larger fanbase and most valuable. Most actions they have taken has reflected. Arena Net deserves to be out of business If they were prioritizing the needs of a infinitesimal fanbase (PvPer) with extremely polarizing demands and needs.
  3. With polarizing needs it is hard or impossible to please a very small and vocal base.

In any case, if you are trying to convince your fellow disgruntle PvPers you did a good job by invoking a very familiar balance connection. If you are trying to convince Arena Net to change, you did a kitten job. It should be apparent that Arena Net's action has been to prioritize PvE content, which is why they decided to not wait until the PvP season played by <10000 people concluded.
  1. Just to mention a few: Full Counter
    a game breaking skill, so is everything about shades (instant cast high pressure AoEs that cover an entire point? i thought animations existed so we can dodge stuff instead of just cluttering my screen after they went off with no tells).
  2. Smiter's Boon was only nerfed in PvP. If anet decided to do something, let's say 12s CD full counter - PvP only - until they sort things out, how would that hurt PvE? We're talking about
    of dev time here.

Who's talking about waiting out the season? Nobody. Is it too much to ask for minor changes a week or two after the release of an expansion? That's a normal thing in other games and here I get flamed for dreaming about it..

<10000 people? Where did you get that info? Because Anet's CEO not so long ago said 40% of the playerbase plays PvP - of course that's just his "opinion", clearly you know better - are you saying 10k is 40% of GW2's population? Even if that 40% can potentially play all areas, if something makes people not want to play PvP they stop playing it, resulting in lower playtimes and worse gemstore sales.

Stop polarizing this arguement with your "Anet can only ever develope one part of the game with 350 developers!" mindset. We paid for this game just like the PvE players and deserve our share of updates.

Yes, it's really hard to understand why we don't have MINOR fixes and balancing to correct clear anomalies.Even if the PvP playerbase represents like 10% of the total. Why not make the game enjoyable to those with such minimum effort?And when i say minimum, it's REALLY minimum. Like @NotASmurf.1725 said, just number fixing till a complete solution could be achieved.We don't have even a single word from devs about balancing, not even if they think we need a balancing. Having bought basegame and HoT i really think i'm being mistreated a bit now.What is this spellbreaker thing? It's to force people to buy PoF? I would've bought PoF A WHILE AGO if things were balanced and if i was sure that PvP would be enjoyable for at least 6 months.

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@NotASmurf.1725 said:Once upon a time there was a GW1 skill called Smiter's Boon, and it was so gamebreaking in PvP that Anet had to act quickly and reacted with a nerf so harsh people still meme about it today.

So what's good about that? Well, they cared. Something had a very negative impact on their game, so they didn't want to waste time and patched it out until a better solution's found, tho that day never came because of GW2.

Nowadays months go by before they lift a finger and it may do nothing, then we wait for 3 months, nope, bug fixes. Back to another 3, other stuff is now buffed to be even more broken and that's how the meta changes.

TL;DR I miss the time when Anet had a sense of duty towards their creation and playerbase. Small but frequent changes would go a long way, but that seems like a dream at this point.

Smiter's boon was not that great. That was a lazy nerf. A decent heal monk was way better. It was fun to play though and would really piss off the hammer assassins when you kept dropping Balthazar's pendulum on someone while they were casting backbreaker.

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Hell the only time we had a essence of gw1 in gw2 is when the tempest ele was a un killable heal bot in the first few seasons. Reminded me of the 55 Monk from gw1. i really wish we had legit balancing which only means at this point that condi is toned down to not spike people instantly. I love a idea someone had on the thread about decreasing condi damage but increasing the length on them.

Only real balance issue at the moment is spell breaker being broken good and all classes seem to have 1-3 versions that fare well in pvp these days. I'm talking all 3 specs for each class : Old HoT and PoF. Some old specs have no chance some like guardian core are still legit after balances.

P.S I've been running a blood necro (mostly power builds) of some sort may it be one of the 3 for the last 3 years. They always up the damage of necro but tweak the condi damage when out of control. As a power necro I've never had a bad patch lol. Those good builds that are unused in mass amounts never are nerfed just boosted. If you have a secret awesome epic build teach a few friends and horde that shit, blood oath to never repeat it.

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@Ziggityzog.7389 said:Hell the only time we had a essence of gw1 in gw2 is when the tempest ele was a un killable heal bot in the first few seasons. Reminded me of the 55 Monk from gw1. i really wish we had legit balancing which only means at this point that condi is toned down to not spike people instantly. I love a idea someone had on the thread about decreasing condi damage but increasing the length on them.

Only real balance issue at the moment is spell breaker being broken good and all classes seem to have 1-3 versions that fare well in pvp these days. I'm talking all 3 specs for each class : Old HoT and PoF. Some old specs have no chance some like guardian core are still legit after balances.

P.S I've been running a blood necro (mostly power builds) of some sort may it be one of the 3 for the last 3 years. They always up the damage of necro but tweak the condi damage when out of control. As a power necro I've never had a bad patch lol. Those good builds that are unused in mass amounts never are nerfed just boosted. If you have a secret awesome epic build teach a few friends and horde that kitten, blood oath to never repeat it.

To the OP's comment: I have seen ANET act to nerf a build in less than 45 minutes. In my opinion; We need a balance team that is separate from those designing the classes and as non political as possible.

With respect to the 55 monk: All you had to do was not hit it. Those enchantments are energy hogs to maintain. Just don't hit a 55 monk for a few seconds and they are done. The build has virtually 0 offensive power unless the enemy kills themselves. It's much the same with a Sliver Armor Elementalist.

The SB you mention Is similar. Don't hit them on full counter or stand well back and "plink."

What I miss from GW1 is energy management. ANET sort of set that up with the new ammunition thing, but the net result was akin to giving everyone Alacrity. When I play GW1 I have to consider the cost of each skill and make a conscious decision. In GW2, those issues are far less important. The cooldowns are short.

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Gw 1 did indeed have some proper retarded builds / teamcomps. Such as the necro EoE HA bomb, I-way and Onslaught Dervishes. Most of these got some sort of nerf sooner rather than later. However, there were builds that didn't get the bat as soon as others. Even back then. Like Zealous Benediction at NF release, and even Glimmer of Light. Mo/A UA flag runners reigned supreme for months with their instaresses.As a result of years worth of nerfing. GvG and HA slowly devolved into a 4 ele A/P spike build.

I wish they hadn't touched a lot of the build back then, such as the rawr-spike for example. Even the P/Rt backline build was so much fun to play.

Moral of the story, Anet has never been consistant with any of their nerfes. Some builds gets the Holosmith (Smiters Boon) treatment. While others just gets completly overlooked.

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