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[NA] [NYX] Primordial Aether recruiting all players, looking to start fractal progresssion. [PvE/PvP]

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[Nyx] Is a newly formed guild looking to expand our roster with fun, friendly and active players. We have a focus on progression, PvE and some WvW on the side.


We have a solid foundation of experienced veterans who are willing to take time and help players learn how to play the game the way they want to play. We believe in quality not quantity. We believe in community not elitism. We want you to feel like apart of a guild, a family, a place where you will have fun and feel comfortable.


That being said we do have a few basic rules for the guild: You can look over the rules on our discord. https://discord.gg/v5cnuy8hME


What we offer as a growing guild:
An active guild with a sense of community
Experienced veterans who are willing and able to teach new/returning players
A safe space for people of any/every orientation
A structure for people to fit into whilst playing at their own pace

What we plan on implementing:
Fractal training nights
Strike training nights
Hero point trains
WvW Raid Night
Guild mission nights(once a week)


If you're interested in joining just whisper/mail/add these players!


Edited by Tzeentchlord.7269
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{Nyx} is still looking for friendly and awesome potential guild members. Drop us a line on our discord or direct message:
Stormshard.7945 (GM)
Voneveric.8507 (Officer)
For a chat and what you are looking for in a guild to see if we are the guild for you. 

Thank you!

Edited by Stormshard.7945
Changed Recruiters.
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