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Remove mounts, gliding, links etc, make wvw competative again


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On 8/1/2021 at 8:43 PM, Cyninja.2954 said:

I love how as the thread progresses, the ideas to "fix" things which the original ideas might cause become more and more outlandish.


Here is my take on this:

WvW is not meant to be highly competitive or fair. It never was.


Now we can live in some imaginary world where this is not the case. Assume that perfect population balance and perfect balance of classes etc. would somehow magically make this mode perfect (it would not). The harsh reality is: most player do not care about balance. They care about having fun. To have fun, none of the above needs to be executed perfectly (on the contrary, having perfect balance and population literally removes 1 convenient excuse players have for losing).


As such, if you want a more competitive player versus player mode: go to SPvP but stop trying to hurt this game mode.


Now as far as ideas to make the mode more FUN, those can be discussed.

I have idea to make gamemode more fun. Increase amount of fights people are willing to do and groups running around, all kind of sized and experienced groups. Make locations and timezones more consistant so you have options and know when to log in for maximum FUN!.

This means removing structure buff and mounts/gliding. Since there is very little to do against running away mounted/gliding players. And fights inside keeps are just so boring that no guild or group is willing to attack anything that has high chance of having decent defending group.

Also make it so that if you log in around same time different day, there will be about similar amount of players and some familiar faces. This means removing relinkings. You don't have to log in multiple times a day to find activity, you can just learn when there is some! Less wasted moments = more fun!

Making game more newbie friendly by removing foods, deleting desert map, adding clear higher tier servers and unnecessary invisible buffs is also great. These cause headaches for experienced players as well.

Having option to choose what kind of activity you prefer most of the day? Roaming, hate blobs? Yea! Lower tier servers. Love blobs? Tier 1 or 2! Wow. Meaning relinkings might be bad since all servers offer similar kind of action and population right now.

Thanks for coming to my ted talk. More fun.

Edited by Fatal.1347
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On 7/29/2021 at 7:28 PM, Daredevil.2745 said:




1. Remove mounts.

no thanks, I've been there and you totally don't want a walking simulator


2. Remove gliding.

no thanks, instead increase mobility and speed. The more action, the better


3. Remove buffs in structures.

this is debatable, defending should always be easier than attacking


4. Remove food.

no thanks, it adds variety


5. Add amulet system from PvP to WvW.

yes please, this would be the single best improvement in the game


6. Remove desert borderland

I would like all BL to be different tbh, it would add lots of tactical possibilities and require a more strategic approach, which I welcome any day


Without these changes the gamemode is exptremely unfair and toxic.

nah, that's subjective and individuals can be toxic regardless of the environment they're in. On the contrary, when I came back to the game, I found a much more friendly environment: when there was no commander tag and/or wvw abilities, you can't imagine the amount of toxic yelling to newbies for doing the wrong thing.

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