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Drydock Scratch JP

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I'm having a lot of difficulty with this one. Ran through it the first time and got to the end chest but couldn't open it. Looked online and discovered that nine flags must be triggered. Okay, so I go back to the beginning. First flag is triggered, second flag wont trigger. I try a new character. First flag triggers, but now the second one wont trigger. I've done plenty of jumping puzzles, and find most of them challenging and fun, but this one just seems like an unintuitive mess. Any help would be appreciated.

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46 minutes ago, Phoenix.4593 said:

Is there a time limit? Can you reset the JP--or do you have to wait a day?

There is a time limit in that the buff for the checkpoint last  24 hours so you have to finish the JP in that time otherwise you have to restart from the beginning.


As for the "second won't trigger", make sure it is actually the second flag and not the the third or fourth or ...


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The page is a little broken now but maybe you can get the video working:



The wiki also has a walk through but the pictures seldom include the minimap to show where the character is standing and how they are facing.  Dulfy's video is from before mounts, and she makes just one or two wrong turns that she then has to correct, but I've used her guide every time I've needed to get through that jp for various achieves and it's worked pretty well.  (OK, I ignored all the skritt tunnels at the end when doing the Return achieves, because skyscale short cutted that, but finding the flags before then I used Dulfy to remind me).


Ayinmaiden probably also has a really good guide.

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Yeah the second flag is really hidden and not naturally passed by when you use mounts. I got stuck on that one when I did it, jumping over the pillars in the cave thinking that was the second one... but its the third. The second one is outside earlier just across the bridge. The rest are fairly easy to spot.

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