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Norfolk Nightmares [NFKN] relaxed guild on Gunnar's Hold EU


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Hi I am looking to build up a really relaxed beginner friendly place for everyone to call home.. This is a no pressure all levels of ability welcoming guild... At present myself and my brother are levelling some new characters and just getting ready for the new Expansion.. We play maybe two or three nights a week and it would be good if we could get a group of people who at least are able to log on a few times a week. 

. We don't expect anyone to feel they have to raid or do any content together if they do not choose too... Our main goal is to one day get the guild hall fully upgraded and to have a nice bunch of people who we can either experience content together or just chat with. 

If your interested then look up the Guild
Norfolk Nightmares [NFKN] or message me
My username is Hairdude.9601


Edited by Tarantora.7280
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