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Returning NA West Guild


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Oakvale [Vale] is returning to Guild Wars 2 starting August 8 and looking for players who would like to join our Guild in WvW. We plan to play very frequently starting at 7:00p PST.
Here's some old footage of us during our prime: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rze-h-1SVvk
With that said, we are looking for players who can commit to playing with us and are searching for that old school feeling of badassery and fun. If you would be interested, contact me on DISCORD.
Oakvale was founded back in 2012. Over the years we've grown our numbers to the point where we queue maps, down to a tight knit elite unit. At our peak, we had nearly 600 members within the Guild. We've done just about everything imaginable in Guild Wars 2 and have even explored other MMOs and games together. Within the last year to year and a half, I personally have taken a major break from gaming but am now returning. Many of the community members still reside within the Guild and miss our old gaming adventures dearly.
I am very excited to say that we are returning. We are coming back slowly and coming back strong. A new era is coming into the MMO universe, with Blizzard crashing and burning, confirmed updates to Guild Wars 2 WvW, and other exciting MMOs coming forward to the frontlines; we are about to witness a major shift in gaming, and we want to be at the forefront of it all!
Please join our Discord and reach out to me so we can journey on this path together! We aren't some exclusive Guild, we are a multi-gaming community and everyone is welcome aboard!
Again, if you are interested in joining or if you have any questions, please have the discussion in our Discord.
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