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Action Camera Issue

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I’m a new player and I recently learned about the action camera. I love it, however when I hold left click, some abilities interrupt my attack. For example, I’m a elementalist and whenever I change elements while holding down left click, I no longer attack. Is there a way around this besides spamming left click? I heard ICM might be a good alternative but it gives me an error whenever I try to boot it up.

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I to am an ele and souly play in action camera mode. For me right click is target select a d thorfore do not need to hold it down at all. What ever you are looking at with the center dot will become the selected target. When right clicked.

How ever action camera mode has many issues such as sdash skills, those will alway go in the direction your looking at more so then to selected target, so skills like burning speed and ride the lighting will not inherently go to there target is but the direction you are looking at.

Edited by Eddbopkins.2630
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2 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Pretty sure there is no skill requiring you to hold down the button. All skills are either a key click, or placing AoE and left click once. If you keep holding you'd interrupt it by starting to autoattack?


Technically speaking action camera puts LMB into additional bind for AA and if you press and hold it it will keep rotating AA.


But as OP describes, using any ability, breaks the AA chaining requiring one to release LMB and then press it down to continue AAing.


@OP unfortunatelly the only way to get around this is releasing left mouse button when or after using other skills, or trusting autocast feature to actually keep spamming that AA for you.


3 hours ago, Eddbopkins.2630 said:

For me right click is target select

right click selects a target, but left click execute AA, and holding down allows to keep AAing with less clicks 🙂 (as long as you don't cast anything in between xD)

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