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Is Braham wearing a wig?

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I was wondering...

In season 4 which finishes in 1332 AE Braham has very short(bald) hair.

Yet in the Icebrood saga which happens in 1333 AE he has a superlong hair.

So I was wondering if I've missed some hair growing magic miracle lore or he's wearing a wig?

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I think it's the same thing as Taimi suddenly being taller every so often. The idea is that he shaved his head and then it gradually regrew, but rather than constantly changing his hair style to be slightly longer in each episode (which might have required making a bunch of new, very similar, hairstyles) they just picked a point to say it had regrown and switched him over to the new one.


(Although I do like the idea that it's mesmer magic. Especially because then he could have asked Kasmeer to style it for him.)

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14 hours ago, tclark.8956 said:

He tells the commander that he's going to regrow his hair at the end of LWS4 on the airship back to Lion's Arch.

Hmmm... in that case he wouldn't have had the time to regrow it in a natural way...

So maybe Kasmeer is involved after all!

Any game master who's able to answer this one?

I don't think I can go on with my life without resolving this mystery...

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