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Weapon that fires a red laser?

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Weird question: I keep seeing something like a red laser beam being fired at boss events. It's just a thin line, temporary (as opposed to continuous) like an energy blast. I'm assuming it's from some sort of rifle, but I can never see what it's coming from.  Does anybody know what this is?  Thanks!

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Probably the Death's Judgement skill.


If you see a little fireball projectile, that's from the legendary Predator.


I couldn't find any legendary animation vids that really capture it well (people tend to show you the animations without having a target, which ends up hiding some of the projectile effects), so here's some random person's gameplay video where you can see a Deadeye using Predator — Death's Judgement is the big attack after they go into stealth @ 3:35:

The "beam" is part of the normal animation, the big firey bullet is the legendary.

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