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why make coalescence so dam hard to get.. ?!

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Buying a Dhuum kill cost around 140-160g, which is about gathering 1.5k dusts by randoming killing low level branded infinitely spawning within that map.


Can be done in 1-3 days of casual farming within that map, if you have no alternative options.

Edited by Vilin.8056
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29 minutes ago, Vilin.8056 said:

Buying a Dhuum kill cost around 140-160g, which is about gathering 1.5k dusts by randoming killing low level branded infinitely spawning within that map.


Can be done in 1-3 days of casual farming within that map, if you have no alternative options.

got it.

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Why is it so hard?
- It's a legendary, ascended alternatives are very easy to obtain.

- It's a legendary that comes from raids, which is designed to be hard(er) content.

- It's alegendary, therefor it is a lang term goal.


Also your definition of "hard" may be different from other players.

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6 hours ago, Asum.4960 said:

Dhuum is easy compared to the absolute Iron Will, Patience and Perseverance it takes to grind out mind numbing Hearts for hundreds of Funerary Incense.

Not to mention the monotony of dozens of legendary bounties in order to get the elegy mosaics for the ‘spirit of the mount’ gifts


after finishing coalescence, I doubt I will ever use PoF for legendaries ever again haha

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17 hours ago, lokh.2695 said:

Why is it so hard?
- It's a legendary, ascended alternatives are very easy to obtain.

- It's a legendary that comes from raids, which is designed to be hard(er) content.

- It's alegendary, therefor it is a lang term goal.


Also your definition of "hard" may be different from other players.

Its not about just a legendary. its the hardest legendary i ever deal with.. i had 13 legendary included,  aurora, vision, ipos, warbringer, the ascension etc.  i used thought the ascension is the hardest but this even harder.  at lease i wont get stuck   more then a month for achievement.


I didnt get envoy, but  I dont have problem running wing 1~4.  i dont know which legendary  could be harder then coalescence. 



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16 hours ago, WindBlade.8749 said:

i kinda look the balls <.< well ofc i don't like the 3th stacking effect but it's just i like it less, it's not like i hate it.

i got the feeling on 4th stack they will do something for the black ball in the middle. that's why i start work on the second and third. legendary trinket

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