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[EU/WvW - Underworld][18+] Harpoons [ROG] [ROAMING] is Recruiting

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[ROG] Harpoons is an active  WvW ONLY oriented guild recruiting  old and new players.  Beginners, average and master tier pvp player are welcome.


- We look for quality over quantity with our roster. 

- We are very much an 18+ guild 

- We currently run during the night between 19 pm and 23 pm
- Runs may be longer/shorter depending on how things are on the night. Roaming can be very annoying sometimes due of the lack of players on the map. So, we can kill backlines of large scale fight or duelling for fun.


Objectives of the guild/what we are : 
- Roaming / Pvp players / Duelling ppl

- Large scale backline killers we do not follow commanders during a guild run. We are fighters. But very often, we will help them for all objectives on the map
- Our preference is generally small to medium size squads that lean towards fights, with a sprinkle of Objectives to generate them.

- Our scheduled runs do not use Discord at the moment. We believe in encouraging and supporting each other in positive ways to improve within a fun environment. 


What We Expect From You 

 Be willing to communicate, improve and able to take constructive feedback 

 Desire to improve as an individual; which improves the group as a whole 

 Join Discord ( Optionnal )

 Running YOUR build. We will never tell you what to do. But you have to notice we are a small size squad, so you have to be good to survive when we fights ppl. 

 Follow directions and calls but you can lead the way too we dc.

 Don’t be a drama kid, your ego is not at the good place, we will wipe many times. Even if you have the ' Laurels champions ' 


What You Can Expect From Us 

 Regular run schedule 

 Guild builds, guides and fun IG

 Compassionate community that understands real life always comes first 

 Supportive learning environment 

 Pvp lovers


Why Underworld ?  

Active EU server, active commanders, population is high.


Which class should you play with us ? 

We DC. Play what you want, be good. We are mostly thieves but if you wanna go elem or scrapper inge is ok.


What's next/our plan for the new extension :

- We are looking for GVG

- Alliance excite us

- New elite specialisation


Recruitment Status: OPEN. Please contact Alexandre.2945 for more information. 


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That's a very well written guild recruitment ad.

If I was on your server I'd join in. I hope that WvW will be filled with  new guilds because of upcoming expac and alliances. 


Smallscale is in my opinion the best what WvW can offer. Such fights are the most epic. They are much more player skill-dependant than blobbing and getting carried in a 50 man squad. 

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That's a very well written guild recruitment ad.

Thx dude. 


Smallscale is in my opinion the best what WvW can offer. Such fights are the most epic. They are much more player skill-dependant than blobbing and getting carried in a 50 man squad. 

I agree with that. I always thought the same. 


Thank you for your reply !

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22 minutes ago, Rukasu.3097 said:

That's a very well written guild recruitment ad.

If I was on your server I'd join in. I hope that WvW will be filled with  new guilds because of upcoming expac and alliances. 


Smallscale is in my opinion the best what WvW can offer. Such fights are the most epic. They are much more player skill-dependant than blobbing and getting carried in a 50 man squad. 


I strongly mildly disagree.

They made use of bullet points in only two of the five sections, while using dash points in the other three.

Unless of course they intended to use the dash points on the sections that pertained to the guild, while the bullet points were pertaining to applicants, then this is a secret genius formatting move.

Also optional had an extra n, and some sentences had a period to end, while others did not, which then just ruins the genius formatting move.


But seriously, good luck on the recruitment OP, even though it technically should be here https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/forum/30-looking-for-guild/


Edited by XenesisII.1540
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a thief guild. and then thinking about gvg?


in the same ad u write "we don't follow commanders", then "why underworld? it has many active commanders and players" ... yeah okay well. hope RoF gets not relinked with UW, there's yet so many smallscalers who cannot be brought to use proper classes during primetime.

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u really think sth alike would ever come? thief lacks traitlines that support specs would need even... a single elite won't make it good, it might at best become a druid 2.0


might work then as pvE support. but i think thief players would be not even happy to get a support specs mostly. plus, most would need to learn to play a support specs first, and to not have endless runaway stuff (as u cannot support your group from the other side of the map)

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