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6 minutes ago, miraude.2107 said:

This sounds more of a 'the name I want is already taken' thread and less of a there's not enough options~. I've never had the problem with getting the name I want in this game. Like, are you just naming your sylvari Belladonna and getting frustrated over that when you could easily expand on it with Belladonna Night or Datura Belladona?

The problem with that is, sylvari (and asura) don't have surnames.  So slapping on a last name like that just wouldn't look right as the races are represented now.  So there is a bit of a name shortage for those two races. (as irish/welsh baby name sites do have a limit, and there are only so many short combinations of letters that are pronounceable)  But that's more of a problem with worldbuilding and how it interacts with player behavior, than it is how gw2 handles players using names.  If we got to go tO MALYCK'S FREAKING TREE (WHERE IS IT ANET??!!?!)or another asura colony with different cultures, like the olmakhan charr, and those characters had surnames or even just a different naming convention, then the players would have a lot more opened up to them in terms of lore-compliant names.


But this only applies to people wanting immersive names. Joke names are easy enough to come up with and honestly aren't as valuable if you're not the first person to capitalize on the joke.

Edited by Roda.7468
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9 minutes ago, Roda.7468 said:

It would be cool if we had like an in-game tool to come up with names (random name generator or naming conventions listed somewhere at the end of character creation) for those that need to make an alternate name. If you're making a human, charr, or norn there's plenty of options for you to pick when it comes to using a name you want.  But it doesn't help that the lore dictates that 2/5 races don't even have a surname, and adding a title onto a name kinda feels tacky in a game with a title system. :T

Norn use their families names, Humans i imagine follow the standard we do, Charr use Warband names for their "Surname", or a title/nothing if they lack a warband. Sylvari and Asura are the only two that lack a dedicated "Surname" convention, though some do have them.

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2 minutes ago, Roda.7468 said:

The problem with that is, sylvari (and asura) don't have surnames.  So slapping on a last name like that just wouldn't look right as the races are represented now.  So there is a bit of a name shortage for those two races. (as irish/welsh baby name sites do have a limit, and there are only so many short combinations of letters that are pronounceable)  But that's more of a problem with worldbuilding and how it interacts with player behavior, than it is how gw2 handles players using names.  If we got to go tO MALYCK'S FREAKING TREE (WHERE IS IT ANET??!!?!)or another asura colony with different cultures, like the olmakhan charr, and those characters had surnames or even just a different naming convention, then the players would have a lot more opened up to them in terms of lore-compliant names.


But this only applies to people wanting immersive names. Joke names are easy enough to come up with and honestly aren't as valuable if you're not the first person to capitalize on the joke.

My sylvari uses an african name, they are outstandingly musical, and look natural on a sylvari, sometimes 🙂

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At best, Guild Wars 2 can implement a Full Account Name and have character names not be restricted (similar to PSO2) that way you can genuinely meet your Spider Man clone meme and still have an independent name from your clone. 


4 minutes ago, Roda.7468 said:

The problem with that is, sylvari (and asura) don't have surnames.  So slapping on a last name like that just wouldn't look right as the races are represented now. 

I haven't seen anything with Sylvari yet but some Asura use titles to work with their names like the Charr do. So whatever position they hold, that's usually what they'll use for the entirety of their existence, until said position changes. 

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The game thrives on returning players and is going through a big resurgence of returning interest right now. Many people come and go then return again and given the pool of names is so infinitely wide, this isn't a needed feature and a stance Anet themselves have said no to before

Edited by Randulf.7614
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38 minutes ago, Dante.1763 said:

Norn use their families names, Humans i imagine follow the standard we do, Charr use Warband names for their "Surname", or a title/nothing if they lack a warband. Sylvari and Asura are the only two that lack a dedicated "Surname" convention, though some do have them.

Uh yes?

You just reworded what you quoted...


As for "some do have them"...

31 minutes ago, ChronoPinoyX.7923 said:

I haven't seen anything with Sylvari yet but some Asura use titles to work with their names like the Charr do. So whatever position they hold, that's usually what they'll use for the entirety of their existence, until said position changes. 


...Asura only seem to take job titles, which could change so imo they're not really suitable for a player character's permanent name. Especially as elite specs open up new ways to express characters. 

The only sylvari with a last name is scarlet briar, but that wasn't her real name. She only took it after she went mad.  You could use things like "nightborne" or something like that, but it's still very limited.  And yeah, you could go with your character's backstory picking anything outside of the norm presented in the game with a "they took a name they liked better" but that's really just a cop out and not really helping anyone who likes to root their character in the conventions displayed by the game's world.


Edited by Roda.7468
Bolding as a reply to the post below. 'cause there's no point in repeating myself.
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1 minute ago, Roda.7468 said:

The problem with that is, sylvari (and asura) don't have surnames.  So slapping on a last name like that just wouldn't look right as the races are represented now.  So in a sense, there is a bit of a name shortage for those two races.  But that's more of a problem with worldbuilding and how it interacts with player behavior, than it is how gw2 handles players using names.  If we got to go tO MALYCK'S FREAKING TREE (WHERE IS IT ANET??!!?!)or another asura colony with different cultures, like the olmakhan charr, and those characters had surnames or even just a different naming convention, then the players would have a lot more opened up to them in terms of lore-compliant names.


But this only applies to people wanting immersive names. Joke names are easy enough to come up with and honestly aren't as valuable if you're not the first person to capitalize on the joke.

I beg to differ as that just means you are doing the one thing I hated trying to RP a shadow priest in WoW. 'THIS IS HOW IT IS AND THAT IS HOW IT WILL STAY'. The whole 'don't have surnames' falls flat the moment we remember one key character in sylvari. Ceara or Scarlet Briar. Briar can arguably be considered a surname as what do most people call her? Scarlet. Anet themselves broke that naming convention and showed that while most don't have surnames when a Sylvari is born, they can toss aside that name and choose something else. Just as they have the Soundless and as you mentioned Malyck.

My asura tend to have a surname. Why? Because one is an arrogant little rat and watching the other races interact she decided she NEEDED a surname to set her apart from the other asura to these 'plebians' because they always seemed to look at her and go 'oh another asura'. The other one has a surname because his dad was the one that named him....after himself. So now there were two male Asura with the same name and he got tired of his father profiting off his genius and started putting a surname on all his research so his dad couldn't claim it anymore. He did it out of frustration of having no surname.


I also have asura that have no surname. Raspulaton. He's a necromancer. His mother named him that from the raspy breathing he had after being born. She was going to just name him Rasp but thought about it, felt it didn't feel 'grand enough' for this tiny prodigy that was showing such fire despite struggling to breathe and looked around. She saw a scoopula and a book that was flipped to the page about the Uzotron 7000. Eureka. RASP, scoopULA, uzoTRON! Then she scrunched her ears and went RASPULATRON? He sounds like a golem...let's drop the R and call him Raspulaton. He takes great pride in his name despite the jokes of the other races going 'so your mom just looked around the lab and named you what she saw and the fact that your breathing was raspy?'


Lore is like pirate code. They are more like guildlines. You don't have to follow them to a tee. There is room to expand on it while staying close to the source.


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First of all, Account Names are the email associated with the account.  I'm sure players don't want to publicly advertise half their log-in information.


Display Names (which is what is being considered) are somewhat unique, in that they each have a different 4-digit number associated with them.  The name/word, though is not unique.  Do players really want to memorize the 4-digit number associated with each Display Name, since there can be several with the same (Display) name? 

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Even hotter take....


Seriously, turn back now if unprepared.....




u rdy?




really sure you can handle this?


got your parents and grandparents letter of aproval ready?


here we go!


I never asked for this to be a thing so I don't need this now more or less than ever. Also, seeing how many characters are supposedly created each day, how populated the forums are and how seldom "WE" see this request. I doubt it's a majority of people who NEED this to be a thing. I think OP wanted to create a char, then found out that [random animu thing]/[whatever cultural reference]/[edgy mccoolname] was taken, couldn't settle for a slight variation and made this post where WE(?) are supposed to care about something that appearently NEEDS(?) to happen.

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2 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

First of all, Account Names are the email associated with the account.  I'm sure players don't want to publicly advertise half their log-in information.


Display Names (which is what is being considered) are somewhat unique, in that they each have a different 4-digit number associated with them.  The name/word, though is not unique.  Do players really want to memorize the 4-digit number associated with each Display Name, since there can be several with the same (Display) name? 

The suggestions are more in line with allowing us to pick personalised account wide names in the game that doesn't tie into forum display name. Can be whatever you want so long as the actual character's name isn't restricted by being similar to someone else. 


I could give other examples that use this but eh, it's a pretty moot suggestion to begin with.

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Honestly, there was one time when I went out of my way to ask ANet if it would be possible to steal a taken name. If I ever become a novelist, I have a penname ready. I wanted to use my penname as one of my character's names, but it was taken. So I messaged ANet to see if there's any chance if I could steal the name, and they said no. And I'm glad that they said no. And they will continue to say no. I like feeling like my carefully chosen existing characters' names are secure no matter what, and I hope that this never changes.


Seeing as how the OP did not provide an example of why he wanted a specific name that he couldn't get, I can only assume that he's frustrated when all of the names that he can come up with are all already taken. There's no "need" on his end, just "want". As someone who felt like I had a "need", I can say that I am still happy that my need wasn't met. Keep your mind open and try new names. There's plenty available.

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1 hour ago, Roda.7468 said:

But it doesn't help that the lore dictates that 2/5 races don't even have a surname


1 hour ago, Roda.7468 said:

Uh yes?

You just reworded what you quoted...


As for "some do have them"...




The above is why expanded on what you said. 3/5 races have a Surname concept(human, norn, charr). Sylvari and Asura can if they wish, but its not forced, which is also a good thing.


1 hour ago, miraude.2107 said:

'THIS IS HOW IT IS AND THAT IS HOW IT WILL STAY'. The whole 'don't have surnames' falls flat the moment we remember one key character in sylvari. Ceara or Scarlet Briar.

Yup. Hell even before that i had a sylvar with the last name of "Briar". Feels really awkward doing RP with her now. Im not changing it though xD

1 hour ago, miraude.2107 said:

Lore is like pirate code. They are more like guildlines. You don't have to follow them to a tee. There is room to expand on it while staying close to the source.

with some things i agree. Names are one of those things, and really, ive never met anyone who had an issue with a name not really fitting lore.





This is now offtopic. OP wants names taken from people who may or may not play, which i will always disagree with. It is not hard to pick a name that fitting of the world(If you wish) and ive never had an issue getting one thats "lore" accurate. Using well known character names from things like tv/movies/anime will be harder, and well, first come first serve.


Its already confusing enough with two different "Dantes" in the same guild, we dont need 3 or 4 -_-

Edited by Dante.1763
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18 minutes ago, Embered.5089 said:

Honestly, there was one time when I went out of my way to ask ANet if it would be possible to steal a taken name. If I ever become a novelist, I have a penname ready. I wanted to use my penname as one of my character's names, but it was taken. So I messaged ANet to see if there's any chance if I could steal the name, and they said no. And I'm glad that they said no. And they will continue to say no. I like feeling like my carefully chosen existing characters' names are secure no matter what, and I hope that this never changes.


Seeing as how the OP did not provide an example of why he wanted a specific name that he couldn't get, I can only assume that he's frustrated when all of the names that he can come up with are all already taken. There's no "need" on his end, just "want". As someone who felt like I had a "need", I can say that I am still happy that my need wasn't met. Keep your mind open and try new names. There's plenty available.

I have to ask... did you really expect them to say yes??  I mean, I believe you, but you have to admit, that's exactly the same thing a scammer would say.  And sincere or not, what did you think Anet would then say to the person who lost their name?!


And, frankly, you may have FELT like it was a need... but it wasn't.  Not necessarily calling you out specifically, but it's a pretty arrogant assumption that someone values a name more than someone else already using it. 


If you REALLY want the name, message the person who has it.  You can't "trade names" per se, but you could conceivably offer to pay the person who has it to change the name of their character and then hope no one else takes it before you after the 48 hour holding period.  It's not pretty, but it's certainly better than asking Anet to steal something from someone else for you!

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With one of my sylvari I slightly stretched the lore convention and gave her two first names, like real people called things like Mary Beth or Katy Jo, because I wanted to call her Bethe Arian (meaning silver birch) and didn't like it combined into one word, no matter how I did it.


But whenever I've wanted a one-word character name I've been able to find one. It might take some tweaking, but usually only when I'm trying to make up something on the spot which sounds like a name, which means it's not a problem to change the spelling because it doesn't mean anything anyway.

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1 hour ago, ChronoPinoyX.7923 said:

The suggestions are more in line with allowing us to pick personalised account wide names in the game that doesn't tie into forum display name. Can be whatever you want so long as the actual character's name isn't restricted by being similar to someone else. 


I could give other examples that use this but eh, it's a pretty moot suggestion to begin with.

Would that not be the same issue? 

"Wah, someone picked the personalized account-wide name I wanted!"

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19 minutes ago, Lyssia.4637 said:

I have to ask... did you really expect them to say yes??  I mean, I believe you, but you have to admit, that's exactly the same thing a scammer would say.  And sincere or not, what did you think Anet would then say to the person who lost their name?!


And, frankly, you may have FELT like it was a need... but it wasn't.  Not necessarily calling you out specifically, but it's a pretty arrogant assumption that someone values a name more than someone else already using it. 


If you REALLY want the name, message the person who has it.  You can't "trade names" per se, but you could conceivably offer to pay the person who has it to change the name of their character and then hope no one else takes it before you after the 48 hour holding period.  It's not pretty, but it's certainly better than asking Anet to steal something from someone else for you!

You sound angry, and I don't understand why. I thought I was very clear about my stance. I'm glad that they did not say yes. Also, the person using that account had not logged in in awhile. I had added them and mailed them and waited for them to log on or reply to me, but they never did. They still haven't, and it's been years. I only contacted ANet after it was clear that they weren't coming back.

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7 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Would that not be the same issue? 

"Wah, someone picked the personalized account-wide name I wanted!"

Only if people are obnoxiously meticulous about it. Most times as far as I've seen, people just want a specific name for their character, especially if it's for RP. 


Again though, it's pretty moot to begin with. 

Edited by ChronoPinoyX.7923
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As a side note, I've never read anything that prefaced itself with "hot take" and found something interesting.


18 months is absurd. People have lives and this game is great for being able to take long breaks. I put effort into designing my characters, and while I'm terrible with naming schemes, you can't have it-- not even over my dead body.



in any case. I would rather have the option for longer names. That would give me far more flexibility in naming.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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5 hours ago, Embered.5089 said:

I am happy with these names and personally do not want to see anyone else with them. It would make me feel like the effort that I put into creating names that are tailored to my characters are suddenly not as tailored as I thought. I also really do not want people running around, pretending to be me. I don't like the first comment's suggestion.

As someone who had someone in their FL copy one of my character's name and just switching two letters and who saw a variation of one of my character's name with an accent in there because... Well, it was already taken (also, I doubt Taaga is a very common first name)... Yeah, I took time to think about those names and I was pissed to see those two.

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