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I am in Queensdale, missing a single vista point to complete, and it is on top of the mountain by the Pumphouse. I have been all around the mountain, through every cave, every conceivable way, there is no way up. Unless you locked a vista point in the starting area until we get to lvl 80 and can get a flying mount. If that is the case, I can imagine you can think of the gesture you're getting from me right now. So mad!!!!!

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Do you mean the one inside Bandithaunt Caverns?



https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/d/d9/Vista.png Bandithaunt Caverns Vista — [&BGsFAAA=]

In the eastern portion of the cave, cross the bridge and head up the spiraling slope.


You can use the interactive map linked below to find out more information for the area



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Yeah, the bandit cave entrance (which is not very well-marked on the map) is directly south of the moa ranch renown heart NPC.


I'm not sure you can look up specific vistas this way, but you can look up other things on the official wiki from ingame: type "/wiki" in the chat box and then type the zone name after that (or shift+left click on clickable things like items, points of interest, NPCs, etc. to auto-paste the text in the chat box). So if you type:

/wiki bandithaunt caverns

And hit enter, and it'll open your default browser to that wiki page - if the page doesn't exist it'll search the whole wiki for the term instead. You can also just type "/wiki" alone and hit enter and it'll bring you to the wiki homepage.


I've been playing this game for years and I STILL look stuff up on the wiki all the time, lol.

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The Wiki sometimes explains how to get to vistas, it's usually on the page for that area of the map. The way I do it is to go to the map's page and use the map there to check which section of the map the vista is in (because the borders can be weird) then look at that page to see if it says, and if not see if there's any hints.


In this case for example the Wiki doesn't fully explain how to get there but it calls it Bandithaunt Caverns Vista and says it's inside the cave, so at least you know you're looking for a cave entrance and not a way up the mountain.


BTW it's possible to do map completion on all core Tyria maps without mounts or gliding, but some parts will be difficult (by design) with hidden or tricky paths to some of the points. It's also possible to complete all the HoT maps without mounts and all the PoF ones without gliding, but both of those are harder than core Tyria.

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For future reference, map completion will require extensive exploration for some maps.  In this case, the vista you are talking about is in a cave that you entered when doing the Moa Ranch Heart.  if you fully explored the cavern complex, you would have found the vista as well as some people in catges, more bandits, and maybe an event.  


In the future, really explore your surroundings.  Don't ignore areas if you're going to strive for map completion.  


And as said above, the core maps do not require any mounts or gliding at all.  Everything is acessible without them.  I've completed world map completion 9 times before I got gliding or any mount.  It's very possible.  

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