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Make claiming objects cost gold


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7 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

Because Wvw player are not rich enough. 

really? people pay for mass bandwagonning to the winning side every relink, so they can pay for claiming as well.

the cost for claming can be in gems instead of gold, i don't care.

Edited by Daredevil.2745
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8 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

Didn't we have this system in the past? It required WvW players to spend time in PvE just to make enough gold to keep objectives going. Why return to a worse system than we have now?


Claiming in WvW was changed in 2015: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/guild-objective-claiming-in-world-vs-world/


Could it use an overhaul by now? Sure, but certainly not in the direction of MORE PvE.

exactly.  The plan shouldn’t punish people for playing the mode..  The previous system, you paid more than you made from WvW.  And there was no claim buffs lol.


I mean, if the OP doesn’t like the claim buff, change that…..  Not leave the claim of camps and towers to the people with the most gold…. 


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On 8/19/2021 at 4:10 AM, Daredevil.2745 said:

Claim a camp = 10gold

tower = 30 gold

keep = 50 gold

SM = 300 gold

It will make people more responsible about claiming and defending claimed objects + reduce stat buffs in general.

are you serious about the cost? tell me how most guild can afford 300g for SM.. how this is viable? suggestion has to be reasonable and realistic and consider the impact to the game in general and future. this will kill the game mode. 

currently there is queue to claim and the queue is good. 

meh.. i wont visit this post again btw so dont reply 🙂


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The initial idea is obviously outrageous, the idea of limiting claims to limit the buffs and tactics is ok I guess, but no one is going to sink 10g into a camp that can be flipped in 5mins for a measly 5 extra supply. I know memories of battle are selling for a lot these days, but that doesn't mean every guild is rich to keep funding claims at those prices, you'll just eventually have an empty claims map going forward, which will kitten off people already having spent so much to upgrade the guildhalls to even get the claims and buffs back from pre HoT.


But it is something that could be turned into some interesting game play though, if you turn it into an investment for defenders to defend at all cost, and also something to entice attackers to go after, like a bounty system.


What if instead (lets use lower numbers for an example), they made camps free claim, towers 1g, and keeps 5g. When you add a claim to something it starts an event with a timer for one hour, where in that hour attackers can attack, capture, and claim to earn whatever it was they took, so a tower would get them the 1g.


Now if the defenders managed to defend the structure for one hour then the guild would earn let's say 50% profit, so they would get 1.5g back. After that the timer could auto repeat and instead the reward would be let's say something cheap like one random t6 material (kinda like the map meta rewards but for structures instead).


So what's stopping them from just taking the claim off and put it back on again to start the gold event again? well maybe add a cooldown timer of a few hours to trigger that event again, you can freely claim whatever in the meantime, but the event itself will not trigger unless off cooldown. Maybe even turn it into a guild mission instead to make it simpler.


But what's in it for the other defenders? Well you get buffs and tactics to defend with. Maybe the guild could be generous and pay for 10s for scouts or mercs or something XD


Or an even simpler bounty system would be make T3 structures into hot spots that offer extra rewards on attacking and defending, again use the T6 mats or wvw currencies as rewards.

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