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Thank you for new great QOL


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Thank you very much for QOL changes. I appreciate it

if you haven't read the release notes, take a look

  • Right-clicking a bouncy chest will automatically take the contents if there is no selectable item for some reward types.

  • Entire stacks of consumable containers can be opened with the right-click context menu. Opening will stop if the stack is exhausted, the inventory fills up, or the inventory screen is closed.

  • Using the Mistlock Sanctuary Passkey while in the Mistlock Sanctuary will now redirect you to your previous public PvE map.

  • The Shining Blade Secrets instance for Season 3 Episode 6 has been adjusted to allow for better gameplay with parties.No question or argument on those, it is plain great. loved it

  • Left-clicking on achievements and similar notifications will take you to the appropriate page in the Hero panel. Right-clicking will dismiss the notification without opening it.Now if I only could link achievements in chat and copy paste to chat would try and parse the brackets to actual item.

  • Harpoons and powder kegs in the Triple Trouble encounter will now have interact priority over player-created bundles.I love this one! have you ever seen a "box of fun" inside stomach of a wurm?It would be better if they couldn't deploy "player-created bundles" during specific events or in specific areas (such as banks, on vendors, on crafting station, etc.)Could you please implement the same periority for

Chests(loot) -> Resource node -> Vendors (event starter NPC's)-> Crafting station -> players -> player pets -> NPC's -> player-created bundles

Chest and loot will disappear from selectable, same applies for nodes. if I'm clicking on a asura vendor while a norn standing on it, obviously I want to select vendor and not the norn! and also please make minis unselectable, they are always on the way.

  • Pull: Some changes have been made in order to reduce the frequency of players being moved into objects and becoming stuck. You may notice that such skills pull a touch slower and are much smoother.

  • Knockback: Some changes have been made in order to reduce the frequency of players being moved into objects and becoming stuck. You may notice that such skills knock back a touch slower and are much smoother.A great one, I have been knocked between rocks, inside walls on in gaps in floor a lot and couldn't move. even once I knocked by a skritt below surface!

  • Armor damage is now automatically repaired when returning to home instances.Haven't been able to login to game yet, Is it home instance as home instance or cities included? how about teleporting to a base like Fort Trinity or Keep in Starting area in WvW?

  • Three additional shared inventory slots may now be purchased from the Upgrades category of the Gem Store for 700 gems each, or purchase all three for 1,890 gems. Each account can purchase up to 19 shared inventory slots at this time. This limit is not affected by the shared inventory slot provided with the Level-80 Boost with the purchase of Path of Fire or Heart of Thorns™.Awww! Why not in batches of 10 each (or 9 per expansion + 1 free), it would be 10 in each row and my inventory would still look pretty (OCD alert)? This makes it 21 total!

  • The Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock, available inside the Black Lion Chest, has been updated with around 175 new items.This is getting too big (sob). Could you please divide inventory unlock for weapon, armor and other stuff in 3 separte items? I don't want to use inventory unlock for minis!

  • Utility consumables have had their beneficial effect renamed from "Nourishment" to "Enhancement" to differentiate them from food effects.Why not just name them utility?

  • A number of the new Path of Fire™ crafting materials will not have a place in material storage. This is to allow them to establish a value appropriate to their rarity. They will be added to storage in a future update.

Although I don't like it, I honor your experiment. However I still will not sell them, I'll wait for it to become a full stack, transfer it to other toon using shared inventory and keep it, I don't know how many (500? 1000?) of them I will need for a sigil or a single guild decoration.

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