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Gru and Gorls [GaG] is a fresh new small social guild for anyone and everyone to enjoy in. We are looking to expand our guild! We are in the NA server. If you love being lonely, or hate being lonely, then join us and we'll be lonely together. New, old, returning or any kind of player is more than welcome to join in. We'll love you the same. If you are fairly new to the game, we'd love to teach you. If you understand everything about the game, we'd love to be taught by you. If you don't even care about the game, us too. Our guild is laid back and doesn’t require much activity. It is just for us to hang out and do something together. The leader is quite active and would be more than glad to assist you in any shape or form, regardless if she’s clueless. Be a GaGger today or don't GaG at all.

For events; it depends on what most people agree on. Seeing that we are a small guild after all, having a tight schedule would be too much. For now we can offer;

  • [PvE] Guild missions (easy and medium), World boss train, Path of Fire story missions, PoF bounty train, Map completions , Fractals, Dungeons, Jumping Puzzles. or anything really, nothing we can't handle.
  • [PvP] we all suck at PvP but its the effort that actually matters. and again, nothing we can't handle.
  • [Discord] a very much dead discord server, but if you would like to be the life of the party, then go ahead make some noise. No one is stopping you because literally no one talks much on the discord server.

We are on our way to claim Gilded Hollows, just needed more members to do that.

Basic rules;

  1. Real life will always comes first. and we totally understand that.
  2. No elitism; you are allowed to be proud of your class, but no need to belittle the others.
  3. Rep as much as possible, won't be forced to do so because each has 5 guild slots.
  4. All is welcome unless you are rude, then you are super welcome.
  5. UwU

If you are interested to help this guild expand from the bottom, message me in game @Oriqami.2580 or discord Oriqami#1309.

Remember, nothing we can't handle.

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