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PoF Elite Spec Exotic and Ascended Weapons still using HoT Elite spec stats

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I think there are other examples as well, but the two I've noticed are the weapons (and armor pieces) for Soulbeast and Firebrand.Specifically:

  • Fang of Mokèlé, Soulbeast's Dagger, and Soulbeast Pads all have the same selectable stat combinations as the equivalent Druid's gear from HoT. The available stats are Cleric's, Minstrel's, and Nomad's - none of which are appropriate stats for the Soulbeast, which is a condition dps spec and will likely be using Viper's gear.
  • Expurgation, Firebrand's Axe, and Firebrand's War Miter likewise have the same selectable stat combinations as the equivalent Dragonhunter gear from HoT. The available stats are Berserker's, Commander's, and Rampager's. Like the Soulbeast, Firebrand is a condition dps spec. The Rampager's choice isn't as awful as the ones for the Soulbeast gear, but Firebrand will likely be using Grieving or Sinister gear.
  • EDIT: This situation also applies to the weapons and gear for Renegade and Holosmith.

The only option players currently have to make these items useful is to stat swap using the Forge. Since this obviously isn't an option for the exotic gear, those items essentially become a skin unlock only. A fix would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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